
Chapter 87 86: A New Nobel

"Congratulations, Lord Clement on being promoted to a proper family head. It\'s a shame that it came at such a high cost" Princess Neah wanted to scoff at the buttery words being spoken.

"Ah, it was a great tragedy indeed but it will also serve to make us stronger in the end. I will work to achieve the goal my ancestors and dear sister had been walking toward" the slimy, yet buttery voice replied in an utterly devastated tone.

The princess felt her lips being pulled down into a frown by the force of her disapproval. She did not like this coward of a man who did nothing himself except plan and then rage when things didn\'t go his way.

Also, her first meeting with him had not left the best impression on Neah. It had only been her respect for Ashura that had spared the man\'s life from a painful death.

"He\'s rather full of himself, right? I can tell that you don\'t like him" Howl\'s comment was right and Neah hated how she had come to accept that tone from her. She was getting used to the other female\'s company and even coming to enjoy it.

It did not help that Howl had reached a lot of similar conclusions as Neah regarding their political standing and military warfare.

"There is nothing I can do now. He\'s a duke whether we like it or not. But that\'s beside the point. Did you find her yet?" Princess Neah asked as she kept an outlook for the eavesdroppers.

Being the princess had its one downside and that was the royal stalkers that would do anything to get in her good grace. The marriage proposals for her hand were increasing day by day and she had one too many \'accidental\' meetups happening between her and other noble children of marriageable age.

"My lady, what a surprise to see you here? This must be fate so may I ask a dance from you?" The young man, another unimpressive noble, walked over to the princess and her second in command. He pretended to be surprised, unaware that he had been sent through by the princess.

Princess Neha wanted to give him a piece of her mind and discourage future stalkers by setting up an example but now was not the time for that. She would not only lose face but political power as well if she made such a bold move.

Besides, she was sure she had seen this noble in a decent rank on the \'handsome noble\' list Ashura had made her read to get familiar with the court politics. This was one trouble she did not want and she did not have a convenient enough reason to turn the man down as well.

"I\'m sorry but I\'m sure I asked for dance first? Maybe the princess can come and find you once she\'s done dancing with me? But maybe not since she might decide I\'m more interested in a nightly get-together" Princess Neah felt her back, slipping around her waist and she made a visible effort not to snap at Howl.

This would not be the first time Howl had tried such a tactic to get the princess out of a tough spot but it was the boldest attempt by far. Even the hunting was bolder than any other time and made Neah uncomfortable.

"Ah, I…. did not see you there. Since how long have you been there, Miss Howl?" The noble sounded unimpressed at seeing Howl at the princess\' side. It was understandable since she was not of noble birth.

It had also started the dreaded rumor of Neah having a consort.

"Then, maybe mister should get his eyes checked. I\'ve been here for quite some time now" Howl chuckled in that patronizing way and led Neah away from the noble circle. She never broke the contract till the pair was alone again.

"She was spotted. Maria. On Charito Hill, we lost track of her pretty quickly. Should we chase after them?" Howl asked as she quickly gained distance from the princess. She had an impassive look on her face as she looked down at the ongoing party.

It was a waste of resources and unnecessary to have such a big gathering for such a small thing but the nobles had insisted and Neah had not felt in a mood to go against them.

"The platoon we sent after them was also deflected and even Alester \'coincidently\' did not recognize them and decided to aid them in their escape and all I can do is sit here and wait" Princess Neah tried not to sound bitter but that couldn\'t happen.

There had been too many coincidences for her liking. She knew that Alester had to be bullshitting at least but Neha could not prove anything. Worst of all, both her master and master Ashura decided not to punish him for his failure.

Neah just did not understand why that was. Should capturing the Oracle not be their first course of action? It almost felt like they wanted her to succeed in reaching the nod.

The party went on downstairs and the room went lively with music and cheers. They drowned out the hurried footsteps heading toward the upper balcony where the princess rested.

"Princess, there has been another accident. Lady Kujou. Lady Kujou had been killed in her noble residence and the evidence points to the same killer as last time" the soldier painted as he headed out to the balcony.

His face looked pale and he seemed to be trembling. The words surprised the princess since it was such a coincidence.

"Lady Kujou was the one who decided not to attend this party?" Neah asked just to make sure. There was more than one Lady Kujou present at the same time since the family was massive.

"T-The one near Lady K-Karin\'s territory. That one was killed just a few hours ago" the guard painted and looked to be on the verge of passing out Lady Karin.

The princess felt her headache double at those words. Lady Karin was a nightmare waiting to happen and she would tear the princess a new one for letting this happen. It also did not help that the redhead lady had no love left for the royal family and with Maria out of the way.

Things were going to get tough from here.

"Howl, inform my retainers that I would like to retire. It\'s time we visit a certain lady" this was going to suck and would cut into her time for Maria\'s search. But Neah was a princess first and foremost and she needed a country for Maria to return to.

(Additional chapter today because I wrote an extra)

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