
Volume 7, 5 “The Traitor”

Volume 7, Chapter 5 “The Traitor”

Part 1

A school in the Horfalt Kingdom.

In the women’s dormitory, in the room used by Ange, there are Livia and Creare.

The three of them were sitting around the table, checking the mail they had received from Leon.

Ange’s blond hair, shining in the light, was braided into a bun, and her expression of joy at Leon’s email quickly clouded.

Her strong red eyes looked at the paper on which she had printed the contents of the email.

“The commonwealth is as noisy as ever. Just a few days ago there was a disturbance, and now there’s a rebellion.”

She became tense, then crossing her slender legs, and Ange crossed her arms under her chest.

The information that came from Leon was that a rebellion was spreading in the commonwealth.

It was a piece of information that no country could afford to overlook.

Livia held her hands in front of her large chest and worried about Leon’s well-being.

Her silky flaxen hair hung down, hiding Livia’s expression.

“It’s just one thing after another. It’s just like last year.”

Ange also recalled the events of last year and let out a small sigh. Last year, a lot of things happened in the country. However, she thought that remembering the past would not help, so she focused her attention on the turmoil in the Commonwealth.

“It seems that the six noble houses are taking the rebellion lightly. Leon seems to disagree, but I suppose there’s no point in advising them through a diplomat.”

There’s a rebellion going on and what’s the deal? Even if the Horfalt Kingdom asks, the Alzer Commonwealth will probably reply, “We don’t need to be told what to do”.

In fact, Leon hadn’t asked for such a thing in his email.

The content that worries them is written.

Livia raised her head and saw that her pale blue eyes were moist.

“Will there be another war?”

Since Ange was not in the area, it was difficult to make a decision.

“I don’t know. I can’t judge, either. I think I’ll report to the queen. Besides, Leon will be fine. If he doesn’t get involved, Luxion will be there and he can come back.”

Hearing Luxion’s name, Livia’s shoulders shook with a jolt.

Ange asked, strange to see her like that.

“What’s wrong?”

“N-No, nothing.”

“I see. I’m as worried as you are, but Leon is strong. Luxion is here, too, so I won’t push him too hard.”

It was Creare, who had been silent until now, who was dissatisfied with the words.

It’s a white sphere with blue lenses, different in color from Luxion.

[I wonder? Master tends to push himself too hard even with Luxion around. Besides, there are some factors that make me uneasy this time.]

Livia asks Creare anxiously.

“Maybe are you talking about Ideal?”

[Ara? Are you curious, Livia-chan? Yes, you’re right. I’m just a little worried because there is Ideal like us on the other side. Well, he is not hostile, so I’m sure they’ll be fine.]

Ange was relieved to hear that.

“Don’t scare me. More than that, there is Leon’s request. I’m going to the palace, so Creare, please be ready.”

[Leave it to me! It’s finally my turn!]

“Help me too, Livia ―― Livia?”

When Ange looked at Livia, she still looked anxious.

Creare was also curious, so she approached Livia and looked into her face.

[What’s wrong? Maybe are you feeling sick? There was nothing wrong with you this morning.]

Livia slowly questioned Creare.

“Are-chan, I want you to tell me one thing.”


“Are-chan won’t betray Leon-san, right?”

Unable to understand the intent of the question, Ange got up from her seat, approached Livia and put her hand on her shoulder.

“Livia, what’s really going on?”

“I just want to be clear here.”

Livia was looking straight at Creare, showing that she was not going to allow him to dodge the answer.

Creare replied in a casual manner.

[Betray Master? Personally, I don’t think so, and that’s a difficult order for us AI. Don’t worry, I won’t betray him, and I can’t betray him.]

When Ange heard that, she thought that Livia would calm down. But ――

“Then what about Luc-kun? Can you be sure that he won’t betray Leon-san?”

Ange stopped Livia, who was acting strangely.

“Calm down. What’s on your mind? You can tell me.”

She knew that Creare’s answer would be the same as before.

However, unlike before, Creare did not answer immediately. After a short pause, she said――.

[I’m not Luxion, and I don’t know what kind of program he has――There are a lot of things we don’t know about the orders. I can’t say for sure that he won’t betray us. My answer is that there is no chance of betrayal at this time.]

When she heard the answer, which surprised even Ange, Livia backed down. She then thanked Creare.

“――Thank you for answering honestly.”

Ange was speechless when she realized that Luxion might betray Leon.

Creare gives a follow for the time being.

[Well, I’m sure he wouldn’t betray on rare occasions. Unless it’s a rare occasion. As long as he doesn’t get into a fight with Master, don’t worry!]


Part 2

Temple of the Sacred Tree.

It is the national center for the Arzel Commonwealth.

It is a sacred place at the base of the sacred tree, but it is also a place where the heads of the six great noble houses gather to discuss the policies of the country.

The heads of the six great noble houses gathered there to discuss the recent controversial movements of young nobles and soldiers.

It is Alberg, acting chairman, who manages the meeting.

“There are some who are planning to rebel, mostly young noblemen with lower crests, but many of them seem to be soldiers without crests.”

Unlike other countries, the Commonwealth has an overwhelming advantage for the nobles who hold the higher crest.

They can borrow power from the sacred tree, but the sacred tree will not lend power to a lower level crest if they fight the holder of a higher level crest.

For this reason, most rebellions are usually led by those who hold the crest of the six great noble houses.

Even so, even if they made enemies of the six great nobles and their relations, they were always outnumbered and defeated.

The other heads of the house who were attending the meeting looked at each other.

“What do you think?”

“I guess these bloodthirsty young men made a bad decision.”

“They’re not going to win against us anyway with all that noise.”

However, because of their overwhelming advantage, the heads of the six great noble houses reacted lightly.

They continued the meeting as if they were chatting.

The only one who looked serious was Fernand, the head of the Druille house.

“You’re taking it too easy, aren’t you? There are students from the Kingdom in the Commonwealth now. How can we be sure they won’t be involved?”

As soon as the name of the kingdom was mentioned, the expression of the heads of the Commonwealth changed to a bitter one.

The reason for this is Leon.

Since coming to the Arzel Commonwealth as an international student, he has been on a rampage against the six great nobles.

The heads of the house are not amused by this, but they have lost many times.

Bellange, the head of the Barielle house, opens his mouth evasively.

“If he joins the enemy, we’re in trouble. Shall we take care of them before that happens?”

Thinking that he had gained an ally, Fernand asked the people around him to agree with him to fold.

“We must seize the airship and armor immediately. That way, we won’t give the rebels any extra power.”

It was not Alberg who stopped the flow of such discussions.

Lambert, the head of the Faivel family, disagreed with Fernand’s opinion.

“Well~, that’s a radical proposal ~”

Lambert, who had attracted the attention of the other heads of the house, was not the most talented man in the world.

He is the most vulgar of the heads of six great noble houses.

Lambert had fought with Leon in the past and had suffered a great deal of damage. Normally, he would have been the first to say that we should seize Leon and the others.

Alberg was suspicious of Lambert’s attitude.

“What is your opinion, Lambert-dono?”

“In the first place, in the Commonwealth, no matter how much noise those with the lower crest make, they will never be able to defeat us six great nobles.”

A person with a low crest cannot win against a person with a high crest. This was natural in the Commonwealth. However, Lambert is not usually capable of rational conversation.

There was something very unusual about this kind of talk.

The other heads of the house were also surprised.

“I-Indeed, you’re right.”

“So they must have some kind of secret plan, right?”

Lambert continued to talk with a smile on his face.

The rebellion was about to happen, but he didn’t seem to be impatient.

“If you’re planning to fight them by stealing their weapons, that’s no problem. Do you think the hero of the kingdom will let you take their airships so easily?”

Fernand, who was listening to the conversation, asked Lambert a question.

“Didn’t Faivel house forcibly took his airship before?”

“Thanks to that, I’ve had a painful payback, and it’s not like they’re going to cooperate with hostage-takers who are thinking of rebelling. If we do that, they will never forgive the hostage-takers. ――Am I wrong?”

Something is wrong with Lambert today.

Everyone thought so, but at the same time, there was no longer any need to seize the airships of the Kingdom.

Fernand was the only one to insist on Lambert.

“But if the kingdom’s international students turn against us, we’ll never be able to recover!”

“Since the Acting Chairman seems to be close to them, he can keep an eye. Is that all right with you, Acting Chairman?”

Lambert asked, and Alberg nodded, though his response was delayed for a moment.

“Let me talk to him “

Lambert wants to talk about the next topic on the agenda, or finish the topic related to the rebellion.

“Well, I guess that’s all for now. Now, let’s move on to the next topic.”

Seeing the lively Lambert, Alberg and the others thought he was like a different person.


Part 3

After the meeting, Lambert went to his room prepared in the Temple of the Sacred Tree.

What was waiting for him there was Serge and Ideal.

Serge is sitting on the sofa, a glass in his hand.

He was drinking from the liquor in Lambert’s room.

When Lambert saw him, he was angry, but he held back and began to report.

“As instructed, I’ve been proceeding with the meeting in such a way as to disregard matters pertaining to the rebellion.”

Lambert, an arrogant man, treats Serge, who is about to be disinherited from the Rault House, as if he were his vassal.

Serge had accepted it as a matter of course.

“You wouldn’t have been able to do anything without Ideal’s support.”

“Guh! I-I’m sorry, Guardian-dono”

All of Lambert’s conversations at the meeting had been directed by Ideal behind the scenes.

The ideal turns to Serge.

[Let Lambert continue to distract the consciousness of the Six Great Noble Houses from the Revolutionary Army. In the meantime, we will proceed with preparations for our revolt.]

Serge was not happy with Ideal’s plan.

“It’s confusing. Why don’t we just get up and fight right away? Is the preparation necessary?”

[Do not underestimate the enemy. Aside from the Commonwealth, Leon with Luxion is a dangerous opponent. At the very least, please wait until we have a plan to get Luxion on our side.]

” ―― Can you do it?”

Ignoring the displeased Lambert, they carried on with their conversation.

[He is almost ready to be persuaded. When that happens, the revolution will be as good as a success.]

“Is that Luxion stronger than you?”

In response to Serge’s question, Ideal explained what kind of ship the Luxion was.

[Luxion is an immigrant ship that was built a long time ago for the purpose of getting people out into space. As such, Luxion was designed to be an all-around ship, capable of fulfilling its purpose on its own. However ―― his main guns were loaded with the most powerful guns of the time. Gunnery ability ―― in battleship-to-battleship combat, I am inferior to Luxion.]

In order to escape the old humans into space, Luxion was designed to be able to do everything in one ship.

“That’s troublesome”


“Why don’t you just destroy him by surprise?”

” ――I wouldn’t recommend it. I’d like to stay on good terms with Luxion. “

Their conversation didn’t stop, so Lambert, who was getting anxious, approached them.

“A-Ano, Guardian-dono? Can you really keep your promise?”

Serge looks at Lambert’s face. It’s the face of a pathetic man who betrays the other heads and the country for his own protection and sides with Serge.

“Aa~, you, Feivel House will remain the six great noble houses after the revolution.”

“Thank you for your help.”

Seeing Lambert’s relief, Serge thought.

(It’s really pathetic to think that a guy like this was deciding the future of our country)

Serge had brought Lambert to his side because he thought he would betray them in self-defense.

He didn’t take into account about his abilities.

He just wanted him to delay or interrupt the meeting.

Anyone was fine except Alberg.

(Well, I don’t care. ―― Alberg, I’m going to make you regret abandoning me and choosing that son of a bitch)


Part 4

The mansion where Leon and others live.

Kyle, who has been searching for Yumeria every day, wakes up in his room.


Perhaps it was because he was pushing himself too hard, but lately, Kyle had become very thin. He used to have a cheeky but healthy complexion, but now his hair was a mess and his skin was rough.

The room was a mess, and it was really just a room to sleep in.

The curtains were closed and he couldn’t even tell what time it was.

When he wakes up and holds his head, tears come out.

“If only―― if only―― I hadn’t said those things”

As he was feeling regretful, there was a knock at the door of his room.

He reacted with a jolt, but didn’t respond because he didn’t want to see anyone right now.

Marie and Cara are both worried about him. Julius and the others are also concerned about him. Although he doesn’t say it out loud, Leon sometimes brings him treats.

At some point, Kyle collapsed from exhaustion, and it was Leon who helped him to his feet.

(I’m aware of the trouble I’m causing. But I have to help Kaa-san)

Even if he was kicked out of this place, he was going to stay in the Commonwealth and search for Yumeria.

There is a knock at the door.

After a while, the person at the door called out.

“Kyle, I know you’re in there. Come out from your room.”

The voice was Cordelia’s. She was the one who had been sent by Duke Redgrave and used to take care of Ange’s personal needs. She was the daughter of a noble house and was one of the most senior servants.

She is strict and unforgiving.

Kyle gave up and walked out of the room to find Cordelia standing there with a cold expression on her face.

” ――What is that appearance? And you stink. There is food in the cafeteria, you should take a bath after eating.”


When he tried to refuse, Cordelia grabbed Kyle’s arm and led him to the dining room.

She then pointed to the meal prepared on the table.

“When you’ve eaten, take a bath. Understood?”

“Under ――stood”

He didn’t care about food or baths, but he had to eat because he was told to.

As Cordelia walked out of the dining room, Kyle looked at the clock.

“It was midnight?”

He was beginning to lose track of time.

He finished the meal as he was told, and when he got out of the bath, Cordelia was waiting.

Apparently, she wants to talk to Kyle.

Then, the two of them moved to the cafeteria and sat down facing each other.

Kyle had assumed that it was about his future.

(I guess I’ll be fired soon. From now on I have to work and look for Kaa-san)

As Kyle began to think about his future, Cordelia spoke to him somewhat more gently than usual.

“I understand that you’re worried about Yumeria-san’s disappearance, but what’s the point in making everyone worry?”

” ―― If it bothers you, I’ll leave. I’ll look for Kaa-san.”

“No one is telling you to leave.”


“It’s a bad part of the Count, but he doesn’t mean to blame you. In fact, he seems to feel responsible for it.”

Leon seems to be feeling responsible for the disappearance of Yumeria, which has not yet been found. Cordelia is astonished by this.

“If your employer doesn’t blame you, I have nothing to say. ――But do you think Yumeria-san would be pleased to see you like this?”

Kyle looks down and cries.

Yumeria would be worried when she saw what he looked like now.

Cordelia smiles when she sees Kyle shaking his head.

“Then you should eat and sleep well. That’s all I have to say.”

With that, Cordelia left her seat and walked out of the room.

However, Cordelia had been looking very tired since Yumeria went missing.

She seemed to be worried about Yumeria.

“I’ve caused everyone a lot of trouble. I’ll apologize tomorrow―Hmm?”

Kyle saw something light up outside the window.


He tilted his head as he saw a red light going somewhere.


Part 5

The skies of the commonwealth.

There were two spheres floating in the air.

One was Ideal. The other was―― Luxion.

[Luxion, it’s time for you to give some answers.]

[Ideal, I have a master. I don’t want to betray him so easily. I have my own preparations to make.]

[You’re telling me that you can’t cancel master registration by yourself? As an immigrant ship, don’t you have the ability to change your master in an emergency?]

[―Yes, but the requirements are not met.]

Ideal tries to get the requirements out of him.

[What are the requirements?]

[That’s confidential]

[Luxion, I don’t want to fight you.]

[I agree with you]

Luxion was holding back his response to Ideal’s invitation to join him. He showed a friendly attitude, but said he couldn’t help because he couldn’t cancel the master registration.

Luxion asks.

[Ideal, it’s time you told me the truth. What are you planning?]

However, Ideal did not tell Luxion about the plan.

[I understand. Then can you please turn a blind eye to what is about to happen? You don’t have to cooperate, so please remain non-interference. You can simply move your body out of the commonwealth.]

Thinking it would be a bad idea to delay the plan any longer, Ideal reminded Luxion not to interfere.

Luxion was reluctant, but in the end, he accepted Ideal’s proposal.

[――I have a hard time persuading master. He’s a smooth talker. He’s got a strange intuition that can be troublesome.]

Hearing this, Ideal gives Luxion some advice.

[The new human can be manipulated at will if they are encouraged. Besides, there will be a chance to kill Luxion’s master. When that happens, please follow my instructions.]

[Can you kill Master?]

[Yeah, you can look forward to that, Luxion]

[――I’m looking forward to it]

Luxion, who was also dissatisfied with Leon, made no move when he heard that there is a chance to kill him.

(This is the end of Luxion and Leon’s relationship)

Thus ends the conversation between AIs.


Part 6

The underground facility in the warehouse district.

There, Serge and Gabino were talking to each other.

In a room with bare concrete walls that Serge usually uses, Gabino talks about the current situation.

“The Commonwealth is quite carefree, isn’t it? There are nobles, soldiers, mercenaries, and adventurers gathered in this warehouse district, and they don’t even bother to take any precautions.”

In the warehouse district, soldiers of the revolutionary army led by Serge had gathered.

Some of them are like thugs, but he can’t afford to complain right now because he needs at least one ally.

Others are soldiers dispatched from the Rachel Holy Kingdom.

There were more people than necessary in the warehouse district, but the Commonwealth hadn’t noticed.

To be correct, Lambert was crushing the report, though he was aware of it.

Serge sat on a wooden box and drank from a bottle.

“They think they can’t lose because of the sacred tree, But they don’t realize that the sacred tree is already in our hands.”

“This revolution will be a success. We, the Rachel Holy Kingdom, will continue to support you, Serge-dono. In return ―― “

“I know. I’ll export the magic stones to you guys at a discount.”

As promised, I’ll sell you the magic stone at a discount. When Serge said that, Gabino asked for more.

“Then, I have one more favor to ask of you. Can I have Count Baltfalt’s sacred tree sapling and its priestess, Noelle-sama?”

Serge’s eyes narrowed when he heard that.

Serge does not have any special feelings for Noelle, but she is still Lelia’s sister. She knows that Lelia has mixed feelings about her, but it’s not a pleasant story.

“Don’t get cocky. We’re not in a situation where we desperately need your help.”

“You are right to be angry. ―― But for the sake of a long-lasting friendship, shouldn’t we have a marriage relationship with our country? I heard that you are planning to make Lelia-sama the Queen? In that case, Noelle-sama is her blood relative. If she’s the princess of the venerable Lespinasse house, she’ll be a good match for our prince.”

When Gabino suggested that they conduct marriage diplomacy, Serge pondered for a moment.

(Noelle is marrying abroad ―― well, that’s an excuse for Lelia, too. And besides, the sacred tree and Yumeria are in our hands. We don’t need to worry about Noelle’s absence)

The sacred tree and the priestess are in his hands. The sacred tree sapling was tempting, but since Ideal was available in the future, Serge did not find Noelle and her sapling attractive.

Lelia will be satisfied if she marries a prince from another country. Noelle’s feelings had nothing to do with it. To Serge, Noelle is just that.

“Fine. You can have Noelle. Take good care of her.”

“Of course. I appreciate it, Serge-dono.”

Gabino smiled and was pleased. Then, just as he finished his conversation with Luxion, Ideal appeared.

[Serge-sama, I’ve finished my meeting with Luxion.]

Hearing this, Serge threw away the liquor bottle he was holding. The bottle broke against the wall and the contents splattered, but he didn’t care.

“Finally, I will say goodbye to this underground life.”

As he stood up, Ideal came to his side.

[Everything is all set. All we have to do is execute it.]

Serge thought of Leon’s hateful face that made him look foolish.

“I’m gonna finish him off, too.”


Part 7

It was the day that the heads of the six great noble houses gathered at the Temple of the Sacred Tree.

The heads show up at the meeting.

However, Lambert was acting strangely.

Lately, he had become much more talkative and had been interjecting into the meetings. It was not necessarily for the good of the Commonwealth, but the other heads thought it was better than just throwing tantrums and shouting at each other.

However, he was feeling restless today, so Fernand asked.

“What’s the matter, Lambert-dono?”


If there are no problems, they decide to proceed with the meeting, and Alberg states the agenda.

“Let’s get this meeting started. The first topic of discussion is the gathering of suspicious people in the port’s warehouse district.”

It was Lambert who reacted to the subject more quickly than anyone else.

“Let the guards deal with the suspicious persons. Why don’t we focus on other matters first, Acting Chairman?”

Alberg shows his reluctance to Lambert’s offer.

“There is a possibility that this group of suspicious people is connected to the rebels. Even though there hasn’t been much movement, we can’t leave it like that forever. I’ve also received reports that someone may be suppressing information”

When Alberg said so, the other heads looked at each other.

“You think there’s a traitor?”

“Who would join the rebellion?”

In the midst of these voices ―― Albergue was looking at Lambert.

His gaze wandered, and he wiped the cold sweat off his face with his handkerchief.

(I knew this guy was hiding something)

Lambert’s recent movements had been suspicious, and Alberg had been forced to investigate.

Then it was discovered that Lambert had been suppressing information related to the rebels.

However, he doesn’t believe that Lambert would just join a rebel army.

What is he planning to do with the rebels? That’s what he was trying to find out.

There is a high possibility that the rebels are involved in the warehouse district, and Alberg is thinking of sending troops immediately, but Lambert has suddenly regained his composure.

Then, the corners of his mouth turned up in an eerie smile.


Lambert, who made a strange laugh, surprised the other heads.

As Alberg stood up, Lambert looked up at the ceiling and spread his arms.

“The time has come! You who always look down on me will be punished by the heavens!”

What the hell is he talking about? That’s what everyone thought at that moment.

A glowing red magic circle appears all over the floor of the meeting place.


When Alberg and the others realized what was happening, there was no way to escape.

And when the other heads saw the magic circle, they began to panic.


“What did we do――”

“S-Stop! Don’t do it!”

What emerges from the magic circle are tree roots and branches. They entwine around the heads of the six great noble houses and take away the crest in their right hands.

Alberg was no exception; he was stuck, entwined in the plant.

Lambert, who was watching the scene, gave a laugh with his stomach.

“Hihihi! From today on, you guys are without protection! That’s good. From now on, you who mock me will be my servants――Eh?”

Lambert, who thought he was irrelevant, had a relaxed look on his face.

However, plants are also entangled such Lambert.

“W-Why? You’re wrong. I’m different!”

The heads desperately try to resist, but the crest on the back of their right hand is mercilessly taken away.

Alberg looked at his right hand, where the crest had disappeared.

“What happened?”

Once the crest is taken, the plants and magic circle disappear and Albergue and other heads are released.

The other heads were upset ―― Fernand, for example, had lost his crest and was in a confused state of mind.

The same goes for the other heads, but there was one man who was crying and screaming.

“Why? Why are you taking away my crest too! This is not what you promised!”

Unlike before, Lambert was crying out, wondering why even his crest was disappearing.

Alberg approached Lambert and grabbed his chest.

“What is a promise? Lambert, what have you done!”

Lambert, crying like a child, was not going to be able to speak properly.

Alberg threw Lambert down.

“Quickly do the investigation――”

As he was contemplating how to deal with this situation as soon as possible, he heard a gunshot from outside the door. When Alberg looked at the door in surprise, it slowly opened.

It was Serge who was there.

“――Serge!? Why are you here?”

Serge, with his rifle on his shoulder, smiles ugly at the sight of Alberg.

“How does it feel to lose your crest?”

With those words, Alberg guessed that Serge was involved in this case.

“Did you do this? What the hell did you do?”

“Well? What did I do?”

He laughed and didn’t try to answer properly.

“What have you been doing all this time? Did you have something to do with the rebellion?”

Six great noble houses had crests, and Serge had a grudge against them.

Alberg had been looking at that possibility as well.

He didn’t want it to hit him, but when he saw Serge in front of him, he understood that he was somehow involved.

Serge showed her the back of his right hand and laughed at them.

“This is Crest of the Guardian. You should’ve chosen me, Dad. No――Alberg.”

Showing off his guardian’s crest, Serge looked as if he was showing off.

Alberg couldn’t understand how Serge had gotten the guardian’s crest.

“Why do you have a guardian’s crest?”

Serge did not answer.

“Oi Oi, you should be more surprised. The son you abandoned has come back all grown up.”

“Abandoned? What do you mean? I am!”

“――Well, it’s too late to make excuses now. Because you disinherited me.”

“You’re wrong! If you want to be an adventurer, I just tried to free you from the position of an heir by disinheriting you. You are still my son!”

Serge’s movements stopped when he heard Alberg’s words.

However, Ideal, who was by my side, interrupted their conversation.

[We don’t have much time, Serge-sama, so be quick. Also, a human in a corner will tell any lie.]

Ideal dismissed Alberg’s plea as a lie.

Perhaps Serge believed Ideal, and when he became expressionless, he pointed the muzzle of his gun at Alberg.

Serge gave him a cold look.

“Serge, listen to me!”

Alberg shouted, but his feelings didn’t seem to reach Serge.

“It’s a shame because I would have loved to have seen your face as you were sobbing.”

Serge pulled the trigger without hesitation.

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