
Volume 7, 7 “Sisters Quarrel”

Volume 7, Chapter 7 “Sisters Quarrel”

Part 1

Meeting room in Einhorn.

Gathered there were the main people involved in the battle.

The friends of the poor barons were lined up against the wall, looking uncomfortable.

After all, it was Julius and the other nobles in the same room.

In addition, there is Louise-san, a foreign princess, and even Noelle, who was actually a priestess.

With Ange and Livia by my side, it was like being thrust into a room with a bunch of guys who were superior to them.

In addition, Emile, who was related to one of the six great noble houses, and Lelia, his fiancée and the surviving child of the Lespinasse house, were also present.

“Don’t you think we’re out of place?”

“I wonder why His Highness and others are here?”

I looked down at the map of the Commonwealth on the table while Daniel and Raymond were whispering to each other.

Reconfirm the situation.

“Now, in the Commonwealth, Yumeria-san has robbed their crest.”

When I turned my gaze to Louise-san, her face was pale with worry for her family.

It can’t be helped, Alberg-san is captured by Serge, and her mother’s safety is unknown.

“Many of the Commonwealth’s weapons are piloted by drawing power from the crest. The same goes for airships and armor. The Commonwealth’s military has been effectively neutralized. They’re not hostile, but they’re not on our side either.”

The Commonwealth Army, which relied too much on the sacred tree, was as useless as it could be in an emergency like this.

In the first place, all nobles probably didn’t think that their crests would be deprived.

“It’s helpful just not to get in the way. Serge and the others are our only enemies.”

It was Lelia who stood up from her seat after hearing my statement.

“Wait a minute. Are you really going to fight Serge?”

She was still confused and couldn’t seem to follow the situation.

Emile persuades such Lelia.

“Lelia, what Serge did cannot be forgiven.”

“B-But! There must be a reason why he’s doing this! If you hadn’t come to this country, Serge wouldn’t have done what this.”

(Note: She’s right. If they didn’t come, she could make it worse like in Marie Route 6)

The way Lelia looked at us was filled with hatred.

She seems to think that if we hadn’t done what we did, Serge wouldn’t have started the revolution. She has a point!

――But that is also Serge’s choice.

“I’m sorry, but can we talk about these assumptions later? We’re trying to help Yumeria-san.”

“Y-You’re such a jerk. How can you be so calm in this situation?”

“If I panic, will someone help me? Will Serge forgive me if I cry?”

When I made a fair argument, Lelia couldn’t say anything back and dropped her head.

I’m sure she understands this, but emotionally she can’t forgive me.

Noelle was holding Lelia’s hand and then said bluntly.

“Pull yourself together”


“It’s Serge’s fault that he did this. Don’t blame Leon and the others.”

To Noelle, who didn’t know anything about it, Lelia’s way of saying it sounded terrible.

But from my point of view and Lelia’s ―― we have a previous life and knows the truth about this world.

From another point of view, we cannot say that we have no fault.

Therefore, I felt more than a little responsible for the current situation.

To Noelle and the others, they would probably think it irrelevant.

I clap my hands and get back to the discussion.

“Okay, that’s enough. We don’t have much time, so I’ll explain the plan. For now, we’ll go to the Temple of the Sacred Tree and rescue Yumeria-san.”

Brad was holding his forehead with his hand, as if his head was hurting from my opinion, which could not be called a strategy.

“That’s not the plan, is it? If what Serge said is true, then Yumeria-san is a priestess of the sacred tree, right? I’m sure he’ll try his best to protect her?”

“You think we’ll have time to mess around with these numbers? We charge in, we get her back, we withdraw and say goodbye.”

“Will that work?”

“When I beat the crap out of you, it was such a successful strategy.”

“You really have a lot of words.”

If we want to help Yumeria-san, I can’t make any flashy moves.

As long as we save her―― the rest just flows.

Julius, who was worried about my plan, let out a sigh and tried to fill in the details.

“We’ll have to figure out the details ourselves. Even though the difference in numbers is too great, we’ll still do our best to get away from them in one shot. I’ll go out in armor, too.”

Julius was very motivated, but Jilk shook his head when he heard that.

“No, it’s too dangerous, Your Highness. You’re not going out there. You’re on standby.”


Greg who crossed his arms, also nodded.

“N-No, that’s true but.”

Julius is frightened at being told the most obvious thing, but he wants to fight with everyone.

If I were you, I’d just tell everyone to do it, and then I’d quietly back off. You’re a very disciplined guy.

“This one, even if you only participate, will have a great impact on the future. I think it would be best if Julius didn’t participate.”

Chris told Julius to stand by.

Julius, who had been stopped from participating by everyone, hung his head sadly.


Part 2

As Leon and the others began to get ready, the women were left in the room.

As the atmosphere is awkward, Cara whispers to Marie.

“Marie-sama, I’m scared. I’m really scared. I can see the crackling!”

“C-C-Calm down. I’ll stop if it comes to an emergency!”

The reason for Marie’s impatience was because of the twin sisters, Lelia and Noelle.

The two were quarreling with each other in the room.

Ange and Livia were quietly watching. Rather, they were worried about Leon and were discussing various issues.

Louise is there, too, but she keeps the attitude of not being involved.

Therefore, Marie thought that they were the only ones who would be able to stop them if anything happened.

Lelia and Noelle grabbed each other’s clothes and went straight to bickering.

“You don’t know anything, so don’t you dare to talk! It’s none of your business, Aneki!”

“None of my business? Why am I irrelevant! I really hate it when you always look down on me like that!”

Marie wanted to hold her head.

(I can understand Lelia’s feelings since we’re both reincarnated, but don’t take it out on Noelle! In the first place, Noelle is a part of this!)

There was a coup d’etat in the Commonwealth. It’s hard to say that Noelle had nothing to do with this. After all, the Holy Kingdom of Rachel has attacked to take Noelle.

Noelle would be upset if she was told to stay out of it.

But ―― Lelia also Lelia has a point.

The coup d’etat was not completely unrelated to Leon and Marie. Serge was largely responsible, but the incident would not have happened if Leon and Marie had not come to the Commonwealth.

If Leon and Marie hadn’t come to the Commonwealth, Lelia wouldn’t have forced herself to retrieve Ideal.

(―― Well, I don’t like it when people one-sidedly say that we are wrong)

At the same time, Marie felt responsible for Lelia.

Like herself, Lelia is having a poor endgame.

She made Loic become Noelle’s boyfriend without her consent and ruined the relationship with her unnecessary meddling. And yet, she’s still in a relationship with the gentle Emile.

(If we hadn’t come, we’d have been dead before the coup)

However, it seemed that Noelle was also unhappy with Lelia, so Marie decided to watch the fight between them.

Ange and Livia both looked at each other, as if they sensed that Marie was thinking that way.

Lelia complained to Noelle about what happened until now.

“You’ve always been so special. You’ve always been the only one with the gift of being a priestess. I was just a bonus. It was always you who was in the center. And I was the one who had to endure. Do you have any idea how much I’ve endured? And yet, you’re always so carefree ―― It’s so irritating to watch!”

Although she didn’t put it into words, it must have seemed like Noelle was always at the center of the story as the main character.

Marie could understand that feeling. When she looked at Livia, she saw that she and Ange were discussing something. “Are-chan ―― “, “We’ll just let Leon handle it.”. And for the twins, Noelle’s attitude changes.

“――What’s that, always become the center, you said”

“What I mean is, you have the aptitude of a priestess. It’s nice, isn’t it. There’s always someone to help. If you are in trouble, the boys are there for you. Even when you were in trouble with Loic, Leon was there for you. You’re like the protagonist of the story.”

She couldn’t say that she was the protagonist of that second otome game, she must have rephrased it as the protagonist of the story.

Hearing this, Noelle shed tears.

Then she grabbed Lelia’s side ponytail.

“Ow, that hurts! Let go of me!”

“Don’t make fun of me――don’t make fun of me!”

Noelle’s loud voice made Marie’s ears hurt and she held her hands over her ears.

Noelle, not paying attention to her surroundings, vents her frustration on Lelia.

“A priestess’s aptitude? What’s that? I didn’t want that! I never wanted that! It doesn’t mean anything that I have it. You’ve always had everything I wanted all to yourself! You took everything from me, and now you’re acting like a victim!”

Noelle shook her so hard that Lelia felt weak.

“L-Let me go”

“You’re always like that! You’ve always been so clever and good at what you do, and people have always loved you. Do you have any idea what it’s like to be compared to you all the time? You ―― Do you know what it feels like to become a substitute for you!”

Noelle started to get violent, and Marie jumped out and tried to separate them.

“That’s enough!”

She jumped and pushed Noelle down on the floor and they separated.

Lelia sat down on the floor, gasping for air. She then stood up and approached Noelle, slowly becoming angry.

Noelle also stood up and tried to continue the fight, but Marie tried her best to hold her back.

“Noelle calm down!”

“Let me go! This is the only one I can’t tolerate. She has a lot of things that I don’t have, but what have you been enduring. I’m the one who’s been enduring!”

When Lelia jumped on Noelle and tried to continue the fight, Louise grabbed Lelia’s arm.

“That’s enough. You’re noisy. I’m worried about my family, go fight with your sister somewhere else.”

Lelia, who was told coldly, glared at Louise with sharp eyes.

“Family, you said? None of this would have happened if you hadn’t cornered Serge. You look like you have nothing to do with it, but you are responsible for it.”

When Louise heard this, her eyes narrowed and she tightened her grip on Lelia’s arm.

“What do you know? What do you think Serge did to me?”

“I think family is supposed to accept it.”

“You’re a stranger and you’re so casual about other people’s family affairs. Did Serge say something to you to make him feel better about himself? You’re such an idiot for taking him at his word.”

“Only the bad guys have a good appearance.”

“――The Lespinasse people are so irritating. I hate Noelle, but I really hate you.”

This time, a fight was about to start between Lelia and Louise.

Marie is about to cry.

(I know how you feel, but you can’t fight! My stomach will die!)

Marie was jealous of Leon for leaving the room so quickly. She regretted that she should have said she would help him and left the room.

Then――perhaps having reached the end of her patience, Ange released intimidation.

“That’s far enough”

Lelia turned around and said, “Haa?” She sounded like a delinquent, but when she saw Ange’s face, she immediately averted her gaze. If Lelia was a thug, Ange had the look of a mafia boss.

“I don’t know the cause of your quarrel, nor am I interested in it, but this is an important time for Leon and others. If you make any more noise and get in Leon’s way, I’ll deal with you.”

Marie saw a flame on Ange’s back. The flames seemed to be the very essence of Ange’s temperament.

Livia has a cold stare.

“When this is over, you can fight all you want. But for now, please be quiet. I’m sure Leon-san and the others don’t have much time to spare.”

Unlike Ange, this one was like water, sometimes gentle, sometimes scary. She gave off that kind of vibe. It’s Livia who is scary when she is angry.

Marie nods violently.

Then Noelle, the one she held, was crying.

“Me too. I wanted to be loved too.”

Hearing her voice, Marie looked at Noelle’s face.



Part 3

Here’s the plan I came up with Julius and the others.

The Friendship Fleet, led by Einhorn, assaults the Temple of the Sacred Tree!

After that, we’ll let the armor break inside and rescue Yumeria-san. At that time, I’d also like to free the six great nobles who may have been captured.

――If they are still alive.

The chance is about 50-50?

I’m worried about Louise-san, and I hope Alberg-san is still alive.

Let’s move the women to the Licorne and let them stay in the back.

I can’t let them fight.

As I cross my arms on the bridge of the Einhorn, I notice that Julius is nowhere to be seen.

“Huh? Is Julius in the toilet?”

Jilk, who had changed into his pilot suit, looked toward the doorway.

“He seemed depressed that he couldn’t go out with us. He said he was moving to Licorne.”

“Losing motivation and relaxing in the back? He’s still in that prince mindset, isn’t he.”

“He has been stripped of his position as the Crown Prince, but he is still the prince. Count Bartfalt should be more aware of His Highness’s position.”

“He is an idiot who was tricked by a woman into giving up his position as the Crown Prince, right? I’ve correctly recognized you guys as idiots, so there’s no problem.”

” ―― Have you ever been taught to be careful of your allies on the battlefield?”

This bastard, is he planning on shooting me in the back?

While we were talking about such foolishness, Luxion was looking down at the deck of the Einhorn.

[Master, Loic is here]



Part 4

When I went to the deck, I found Loic there.

Loic came riding in a small boat, and for some reason, he was ready to fight.

“Count Bartfalt, I want you to let me fight too.”

“Marie’s on the ship behind us?”

“I-Is that so? N-No, you’re wrong. I want to fight with you guys.”

For some reason, Greg looks very uncomfortable when he hears those words.

He walked up to Loic and grabbed him.

“This isn’t a game! You can’t even use the power of the sacred tree, you will be a burden!”

I was surprised by Greg who threatens him, but it was certainly tough to get Loic to join us.

The nobles of the Commonwealth are extremely weak without a crest.

Loic is still in training, but he’s only as good as the average soldier.

There is a gap in ability between him and us who vomited blood, in order to give a present to girls in the Kingdom of Horfalt.

Still, Loic did not back down.

“I may be useless, but I can at least become a shield for you!”


“I ―― I was saved by Anego. Besides, it will be more convenient for you if I’m the one who knows the inner structure of the Sacred Tree Temple. Please, let me help you!”

It certainly makes it easier to attack the inside of the building with Loic.

Greg looked at me, and I nodded and took his hand away from Loic.

Greg scratches his head and turns his back.

“Do as you please. In return, don’t die on your own because Marie will be sad if you die.”

“You have my thanks!”

They would be rivals because they both love the same woman. And yet, Greg tells Loic not to die. Is this what a handsome guy is supposed to do? I am confident that I would never be able to say the same thing out of jealousy.

I decided to lend Loic the armor that Julius had used before.

That will protect Loic’s life.

“We have an extra unit, Loic, use the white armor.”

“――Thank you. Now I can fight. It was frustrating to involve you in the Commonwealth’s rebellion and do nothing about it.”

It seems that he is thinking about various things.

When I was impressed, I feel nostalgic, no, for the first time in a long time, he appeared.

“It’s been a long time, gentlemen!”

The one who landed on the deck, was Julius ―― or not.

It was a man who called himself the Masked Knight. I had met him before when I was fighting in the Kingdom of Horfalt against the former Principality of Fannoss.

He still looks suspicious in his mask and cape, but he has the guts to act confidently.

Chris drew the sword on his hip, and Brad prepared a fireball made by magic in both hands.

“You are a masked man!”

“Why is this man in the commonwealth?”

The four seriously wary men were pointing their weapons at Julius without knowing it. Even Jilk ―― who had grown up with him as the foster brothers, pointed the muzzle of his pistol at the masked knight.

Loic blinked his eyes, not understanding what was going on.

Luxion asks me to deal with it.

[This farce again? Why don’t you tell them about his identity?]

“I don’t want to get involved. Besides, the five of them might be enjoying this charade, right? It’s best to leave it alone. Because it’s funny to see from a distance.”

I think of Marie who has to take care of these people who keep repeating the farce, I feel sorry for her and at the same time I think “Serves you right!”.

Entertain me as much as you can.

The masked knight approaches me.

“It’s been a long time, Count Bartfalt”

Eh? You’re talking to me out of the blue?

“O, oh”

“I hear you’re outnumbered. I’ll lend a hand. I need to borrow one of your armors. You have the white armor that Julius, His Highness used, right?”

He’s got really bad timing.

I tell the masked knight, who has a relaxed attitude, as I look at Loic.

“Ah, I can’t. I just promised Loic, I’d lend it to him.”

Loic was suspicious of the masked knight. Well, it would be difficult to tell the true identity of the masked knight because of the relationship between this guy and Julius.

“That’s the way it is. If you don’t have any business here, leave.”

“What? That’s my armor!”

“No, it’s the property of Count Bartfalt? And what the hell are you doing with that weird mask on? Take off the mask and tell me your name.”

Julius was told the right thing, but he could not call himself a masked knight if he flinched at this level.

“You don’t seem to realize there’s a reason I can’t tell you my name? Count Bartfalt, he doesn’t deserve that white armor. Let me on board!”

That’s Julius’s request, but I’m going to ask Loic for directions.

In terms of priorities, there was no way I was going to leave Loic out of this.

“Give it up and come to the bridge with me. I’ll even give you a cup of tea.”

“What do you think I’ve come out here for! Let me fii~~~ight!”


Part 5

The location has been moved to the Einhorn’s hangar.

Jilk opened the cockpit hatch and watched as Loic got into the white armor for Julius and made adjustments.

“Even so, I’m amazed by Count Bartfalt. We’re going to war with the Commonwealth in such numbers.”

It is Brad who gets fried by Jilk like that. He makes a point about opponents and numbers.

“We’re dealing with rebels. And, in terms of numbers, it’s simple matters. There’s a good chance of winning.”

“It’s more than a six-fold difference in strength, though?”

“The objective of victory is to save Yumeria-san, isn’t it? After that, escape from the Commonwealth, and they won’t be able to come after us. After all, all of the Commonwealth’s weapons are for defense only. If they go out of their country, they can not fight.”

Because they use the power of the Sacred Tree, they are inevitably weakened when they go outside the Commonwealth.

It was a statement in consideration of that, but this time Chris disagrees.

“If the other side has the same performance as Luxion, it wouldn’t be surprising if they had the performance to fight outside of the country?”

“Guh! T-That’s true. But Luxion said the odds were still in our favor. I’m sure he has a plan.”

“If you don’t know that, why are you acting high and mighty?”

Brad falls silent when Chris tells him, but now a dissatisfied Greg opens his mouth.

“You guys should concentrate. This time, the enemy is dangerous, we must serious.”

Ideal, a lost item like Luxion, is by Serge’s side, providing support. Greg and his team had seen the strength of the Arroganz firsthand. They understood how scary it was.

Then they hear Leon’s voice from Arroganz.

The hatch to the cockpit was closed, and Leon was not visible.

“You’re making a racket! You’re making noise like children. Quiet down a bit!”

Jilk is taken aback by the foul-mouthed voice of Leon.

“You’re really not very good at talking.”

“Shut up and be my bulletproof “

The voices coming from the Arroganz irritated Jilk and the others.

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