
Chapter 119 117 - Trouble Back Home

Once the team exited the gate, they were surprised to see that many of the association members that were there when they arrived had vanished. With the other 3 gates they had closed, the association had many of their employees to help the team with all the operations involved once a gate was closed, including a report, checking loot, etc. But this time, there was only one person who was there. The man said that first he\'d collect their report and then they had an urgent message for the team.

Milo was wondering what could be so urgent that the association would pull all their members back to headquarters. The team headed over to a trailer where they could change out of their equipment, and gave the man their report. After receiving it, the man turned on a TV in the trailer and said, "Something happened in New York…"

After saying this, the man changed to a news channel where breaking news was being shown. On the screen a part of New York City could be seen, and it was a part that Milo was quite familiar with. The only difference, black smoke could be seen painted across the sky, and purple flames could be seen giving off an haunting glow. Overall the section of the city shown on the television was turned to ruins. Buildings had collapsed, the strange purple fire devoured everything in its path and rubble covered the streets. Milo could see figures covered in white robes adding to the destruction using abilities. It was as if hell had come down to earth.

Seeing the image on the screen, the team was visibly in shock. Being that they all came from New York, the thought of it being attacked was a nightmare to them, this was where their family lived, where their home was, where their friends lived. Milo was especially shaken seeing the news. The section that could be seen flaming on the screen looked to be only a few blocks from where he and Corinna\'s apartment was located. Seeing the ominous flames, Milo was reminded of the future that was seen by the woman in the Underground. She had said, "Flames of darkness will swallow your happiness."

The purple flames in the breaking news broadcast were almost certainly the flames of darkness she had mentioned. After seeing the screen, Harvey asked the man to turn up the volume so they could know exactly what was going on. The man turned up the volume of the television and the team watched and listened to hear what was going on.

A man\'s voice could be heard through the speakers of the TV, he was currently in a helicopter flying over the scenes of destruction and narrating everything he saw. "I\'m currently flying over the scene of where the attacks started.," the man said, "It is unknown how long the Fellowship had this attack planned, but their movement over the past few weeks in Canada signaled they had planned to enter the US at some point. What their plans are for the city of New York is anyone\'s guess but authorities are currently fighting back against the Fellowship\'s followers. Any survivors are urged to report to the refugee camps located around the city where the Fellowship has not reached yet." All of a sudden a random ability was fired at the helicopter destroying the flying vehicle\'s tail. "Mayday, Mayday!" the man said as the helicopter began to spin out of control, "we\'ve been hit!" Before the scary scene was shown to the public anymore, the screen changed to show a woman behind a desk. "This is a scary time, as Steve just said, all survivors are urged to seek out refugee camps located around the city, food and shelter will be provided until refugees can be evacuated. I wish you all the best of luck and stay safe."

After her remarks, the screen went black and the broadcast was over. The GAA member shut off the TV before asking if any of them had questions, but none of them did, all they knew was that they needed to get home asap. The GAA member got the idea and took the team to the branch building located in Atlantic City where they could take the teleporters to the New York City branch. When the team arrived at the GAA building, they rushed to the teleporters and all ran through them, planning to help the association with fighting off the Fellowship who were running amok in their hometown.

The team arrived through the teleporter back in New York City and rushed down to the front of the building. All of them were still wearing the equipment they took into the gate with them. Normally members of the association would be there to receive the people teleporting and check them over to make sure they were who they said they were and also check to make sure they didn\'t bring any illegal substances with them through the teleporter. This time however there were no employees of the association waiting for them, all of them were too busy trying to assist in stopping the Fellowships attack.

Once the team collected themselves, all of them aside from Milo said they\'d be returning to the headquarters to see what Jorge would want them to do. It was a given that the guild would assist the association in the resistance and rescue efforts. Once the team had split off from Milo, he immediately called Corinna, there was no answer which caused his stomach to drop. If anything happened to Krista or Corinna, he would be alone again.

He then called Krista, "pickup, pickup, pickup" he repeated in his own head. After ringing for a bit, there was finally an answer.

"Milo?" Krista\'s voice could be heard on the other side of the line. "Where are you? Are you safe?" panic could be heard in her voice.

"I\'m fine," Milo said, feeling relieved his best friend was okay. "Is Corinna with you?"

"Yeah, she\'s fine," Krista answered. "Her Holo got busted while we were escaping. My mom and I got her out once the attack started." Milo could hear her start to get choked up as she said the next part, "Our home… It\'s gone, the building… The Fellowship they…"

Milo stopped her before she said anything more, he could tell what she was about to say, their apartment building was destroyed, all their belongings, all their photos, memories, destroyed. Most likely burned away by the evil violet flames.

"It\'s going to be okay," Milo said, "as long as everyone got out okay." Milo then asked where he could go to find them. According to Krista, they were in a refugee camp in Times Square, the association had set up a large camp there where refugees were heading in order to get protection from gatecrashers, and association members.

Milo then got another call, he said he\'d meet Krista at the camp as soon as he could and answered the call on the other line. It was David, he said that the other members of the team had arrived and he noticed Milo wasn\'t there which caused him to wonder where he had gone. Milo told him about his call with Krista and David understood. He told Milo to do what he needed to do, as an intern he was a student before he was a gatecrasher, and a student shouldn\'t be thrown into combat with the Fellowship. The Fellowship were well known to be savage and evil, they wouldn\'t spare anyone, teens included.

For this reason, Milo chose to meet Corinna and Krista at the refugee camp, he had already lost his parents and after the close call today he didn\'t want to risk losing the only family he had left. He ran through the streets until he reached Times Square. While on the way there he passed thousands of others who were displaced by the attack. Many of them held as much of their belongings as they could carry. Some people had nothing in their hands, and blood could be seen on their clothes that were tattered. All of these smaller groups of people also had dirt caked on their face, they were most likely the ones who were caught in the middle of the Fellowship\'s attack. Those who still had their stuff were definitely living in areas that hadn\'t been put under siege yet, as they had time to pack some of their things before fleeing their homes. Of all these people, Milo was the only one who was decked out in gatecrashing equipment, making him stand out quite a bit.

Eventually he got to Times Square, when arriving he could see crowds of refugees clamoring around a barrier. Surrounding the area, it had been put up by the association as a sort of checkpoint. Gatecrashers and association members were stationed around the perimeter all wearing full gear. Milo ended up seeing a familiar face among these guards. He went over and said hello to the man who gave him his Provisional License Exam.

Seeing the teen decked out in equipment, the man recognized Milo almost immediately as he had left quite the impression on the man seeing someone so young, be so strong. Milo informed him that his family had already been admitted and the man let him through. Milo searched through all the tents that had been set up to take in the injured as well as those who had simply fled home to avoid the impending danger. Eventually he found who he was looking for.

Corinna had a bandage covering her forehead. All three of them, Corinna, Krista, and Krista\'s mother all had dirt caked on their face and their clothes were partly tattered. Krista\'s father was currently out of town on a business trip so he was safe. He had already contacted Krista and her mother to check in on them. As soon as Corinna saw Milo, tears filled her eyes as she ran over and embraced Milo in a hug. They were safe, for now.

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