
Chapter 99

We were walking alongside each other thru an alley, in a random direction.

- So where are we going? - Nadia asked.

- I don\'t know. Ahead, I guess... I just... I just wanted to get away from them - I said looking at her.

Her hands were hidden in those long, black sleeves she desperately clutched. She was visibly nervous, with eyes focused on the cobblestone under her feet.

- I\'m nervous... I\'m old but behave like a teenager right now. I\'m just... Inexperienced. There was no time for stuff like this back home - She finally rose her head to look at me and slightly chuckled.

Probably to hide her nervousness.

- Well... Me neither. I\'m kinda antisocial, so... I guess we have something similar.

She smiled.

- Tell me about yourself, Nadia. Maybe that will help.

- There is no much to say. I\'m nobody special.

- Me neither, but there is always something. So? What\'s your favorite color? Food? Why didn\'t you have time to date?

- Uhm... I was working. My... dad... He left me and my mom with debt. I couldn\'t even finish school and had to leave the country to chase money. That\'s why I can speak English so well. I learned while working. Then my mom got sick, and I had to return, and things got even harder. I kinda was happy when I woke up here.

She was clearly sad, but there was not even a single tear on her face. She was a really tough person.

- And the color... I like black - she looked at me again, with an awkward smile on her face.

- Me too... I like it very much - I rose my hand to show off the sleeve of my black hoodie, but it wasn\'t as black now.

With all the dirt covering it, and holes everywhere, I got a bit embarrassed. At the moment I wished that I bought a new one after taking a bath.

She noticed, and laughed, covering her mouth with palm, hidden under the black cloth of her blouse. I found it very cute.

- I don\'t mind you looking like that - she said. - Although it\'s good you took that bath.

- Yeah. I wish we had better access to water here.

- Maybe someday.

- Yeah. Maybe. So... What about the food? What\'s your favorite?

- I don\'t know. I like everything. Couldn\'t exactly try every kind of food in my life, so...

- Yeah. Sorry. Then... Why do you like me?

- You? - she looked at me again. - Where do I begin... After you saved us, I asked Aisha about you a lot. Before that, I only knew you as somebody who annoyed the wrong people. Got beaten up.

She turned her gaze on the city architecture, and as we kept walking she ran her eyes over the ruins.

- I only wanted to stay as far as possible - she continued. - You know... To not get accidentally involved. I struggled a lot here, but I was used to struggling, so there was not much change in my life. I just didn\'t want any more trouble. But the trouble found me anyway, and the guy who I used to ignore was the one to help. Aisha told me how hard it was for you, and you didn\'t stop. I kinda saw myself in you. I had to be a hero for my mum. I had to save her, so I know how hard it is. People think that it just happens. Somebody who can help just appears. They have no idea how hard it is to achieve that point, and they don\'t care.

- I don\'t mind. I don\'t seek recognition or anything. I just... I just don\'t want other people to hurt my friends.

- I know, but it still is unfair. You did so much for everybody. You helped us, stopped the war, and now those aliens. If not for you, we would have no idea... I just want you to know, that I appreciate it, and... I want to support you. I\'ll be there if you need me.

I didn\'t know what to say. Several thoughts went thru my brain, but nothing seemed right.

- Thank you - I said eventually.

We kept walking in silence for a bit.

- Do you think that someday those streets will be full of people? Look how empty they are now.

- I don\'t know. Maybe...

Another few moments of silence.

- Do you think someday we can go back? To our homes I mean.

- Who knows? Maybe. Do you want to go back?

- Yes. To my mom. She is... - her voice broke suddenly - all alone there...

She started to sob, and stopped, to cover her face with hands, still hidden under that black cloth. I came closer and hugged her. We stood like that for a while, and eventually, she relaxed. Then returned my hug. I wanted to say something, but couldn\'t. The silence was the best I could give her.

A moment later she pushed me gently, so I released my arms, freeing her.

- Thank you.

- No problem. I\'m here if you need me.

She nodded and started to wipe the tears off her face.

- I made a fool of myself - she said, laughing slightly.

- No you didn\'t. You would be surprised how many people want to go back.

- Do you want to?

- Me? Yes, at least to tell everybody I\'m ok.

- Let\'s go back, Peter.

- Yeah.

And we started to head back. Taking it slowly, but this time in silence. Just enjoying each other company.

Eventually, we made it back to the Velvet lotus. Hailwic was sitting on a stool next to the entrance. Except for her and us, there was not a single living soul around, but she still didn\'t notice us. Too busy sharpening her ax.

- I should go to work now. Aisha will probably want to open tonight, and we left a mess in the main hall.

- I have some things to take care of. How about we meet later tonight? When you are open.

- Yes. I would love that - she said.

After those words, she turned and went to the door. I followed her with my eyes. Before entering, she looked back at me, smiled, and then went in.

I couldn\'t hold my own smile. Then I noticed Hailwic eyes stuck on my person.

- What?

- Did you fuck?

- What?! No!

- If you hurt her, I\'ll break your neck, Peter.

I just shook my head and started to walk. I needed to have a word with Hatta. I was worried he might be not too happy about me not going on this journey, and leaving him alone with Blue.

I went straight to his office. The place was pretty dark. With only one olive lamp on the desk. He was staring at a crystal bottle filled with water. He rose his eyes slowly, to look at me, but didn\'t say a thing.

- I want to talk.

- I guessed that much. Please, sit - he pointed at the chair on the other side of his desk.

So I came closer and sat on it.

- He is going to kill me, Peter - he said bluntly to my face.

- No. He won\'t. Will can stop him, and I\'ll make sure he is prepared even better before you depart.

- This is Blue we are talking about. A guy who escaped us once, and then made fools out of both of us. Publicly.

- I\'ll handle it.

He sighed.

- What choice do I have? I have to go with them anyway.

- Don\'t worry. Will probably could beat his ass even now. When I\'m done with him, his single finger will be enough to handle ten Blues. Just make sure he gets to kill goblin boss few times, and we all are set.

- Blue will also kill the boss a few times.

- I know. It doesn\'t matter. You will need more than a month for preparations anyway. When I return, I\'m gonna make sure Will gets more class points than you all combined.

- When you return?

- I\'m going to hunt some orcs. Class points are almost worthless without crystals anyway. Will is gonna need some additional regular points. You guys are gonna be short on those, but Will won\'t. That will make a difference.

He took a deep breath.

- You know I trust you Peter, but you damn sure don\'t make it easy for me.

I couldn\'t help but smile. I tapped his desk two times and stood up.

- I\'m leaving tomorrow to hunt orcs. If you want to talk, I\'ll be in Velvet Lotus tonight.

He noded.

- I\'ll come by. William will be there too?

- Probably.

- The three of us should talk.

- Yeah. See you later.

After those words, I turned around and left.

p There was a lot of time to kill until the evening. I headed to the device. The city center was still surprisingly empty. There was no line, so I didn\'t have to wait and could use it immediately. I decided to finally upgrade my dexterity somewhat. Hundred levels for 175 250 points, which left me with 259 071 available. I considered for a moment remodeling the house, but then greed kicked in, and I deemed this idea unnecessary for now.

There were more important things to spend points on. For example that freaking manual. Some answers probably were hidden in that thing. It could throw new light on our situations, Uhm\'s, and their history. But the price... Instead, I bought some new clothes. The same hoodie and pants. Some socks, and even a couple of pairs of underwear. For only 3k points.

Then I left and headed to my house for a short nap. I needed it.. Realy needed it.

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