
Chapter 70 Breaking The Barrier

The moment we settle down to order some food, I excuse myself from my teammates and head to the restaurant\'s toilet.

This is my first time using a public toilet, and to be honest, my first experience isn\'t nice at all.

The toilet is… heck! I don\'t even think I can say it. There isn\'t even water that one can use to clean up the mess in this toilet… What a shitty place to eat.

I refocus my gaze and try to peek into the space ring but nothing happens.

I try again but nothing happens…. 

[You dummy, this is the first time you are tapping into your Mana core by yourself. So you shouldn\'t expect it to work just like that, ]  Myra tells me. If she had been outside my body, I\'m pretty sure that there would have been a mocking grin on her face.

Huh? What the fuck are you saying? How is it supposed to work? Even though I can\'t use magic, I have been listening to Jim\'s lectures, Savina and Arthur\'s home tutor….

[Pfft… I doubt you know anything about magic. You\'ve always spent your days reading and reading any book that you come across. Well, your master will teach you all that you need to know.

If you think it\'s that easy, why don\'t you try to conjure a fireball?] 

But…won\'t I burn down this restaurant?

[Pfft….that\'s if you can even conjure it. And if you manage to succeed, I\'ll put out the fire.]

Fuck you, Myra!

[Fuck you too.]

I grit my teeth and raise my palm in the air, imitating my mom.

"Fireball explode"

"Fireball secrete"

"Explode fireballs"

"Ballfire shoot"

"Fireball emit"

Fuck! It won\'t work…

[Teehehehee…. You know what, you look so stupid with this weird stance of yours and the way you are saying gibberish….] Myra lets out evil giggles.

Man….. I guess magic isn\'t so easy afterall. I sigh and lower my hands that are still in the air.

 [Okay, I\'ll teach you how to do it, ]


[Yes, but nothing comes for free fufufu….]

Sigh…you cunning woman, what do you want?

[Well, it\'s not much. Just that, after you marry your mom tonight and want to do the deed that couples do, I would like to have a threesome with you guys…teeheehee, ]

You know that is Impossible, although I told her about you and Mimi isn\'t it a bit daring to bring in another woman after the night of our marriage? It would have been okay if you guys were already acquainted with each other but I don\'t think I can do that when you guys have never met before. I know my mom, she\'ll be jealous and furious. I think it\'s a bad idea, she might even roast you on the spot.

I try to convince Myra to the best of my ability.

[Okay~Okay, I get it mama\'s boy. But I think you are underestimating my and Mimi\'s powers. I can take down your mom in seconds, ] Myra says arrogantly.

If you can take down my mom within seconds, why didn\'t you or Mimi save me from the claws of Zadicus a few years back?

[Well, most of Mimi\'s power at that time was used in sealing me. Besides, there will be a huge penalty for helping you with our powers. However, if your life\'s on the line, I won\'t hesitate, because our relationship is now more than that of a host and a parasite.]

I\'m happy to hear that and don\'t ever call yourself a parasite.

[You won\'t understand. When the time comes, you will know everything. If I\'m separated from you for too long, I\'ll be as good as dead, so I\'m basically a parasite who leeches off you…]

Please…stop saying those words.

[That\'s the reality….]

Okay, I have had enough of this! Are you going to teach me or not?

[I\'ll teach you…] Myra utters, then she continues. [For first-timers, there is always a barrier blocking them from tapping into the full potential of their mana core, though they can feel the flow of mana, albeit, in small amounts.

Now, close your eyes and try to peek into your sea of consciousness. You\'ll see a smaller version of yourself and at the same time, you\'ll feel the energy radiating around you. After that, you will know what to do next.]

After listening to Myra\'s explanation, I begin to do as she said. I close my eyes and begin to feel the aura surrounding me, and at the same time, I try to peek into my sea of consciousness. Suddenly, as if I was teleported, I see myself Inside an enclosed space and inside a younger version of myself.

In the next moment, I see a bright flash and then a tall-looking girl appears. No, she isn\'t tall, I\'m the short one here.

"Myra," I let out a voice. "Why do you suddenly look so tall?"

[Pfft…tall, you say? I\'m just at my normal height. Your sea of consciousness is quite weak, that\'s why you are inside the smaller version of yourself.] Myra walks toward me and pats my head, since she is towering above me like a giant.

"What do I need to do about it? Because that sounds like a big deal…"

[Nothing much, I\'ll teach you about that later on. Right now, let\'s do what we came here to do.] The moment the sentence leaves her mouth, a large glass-like vortex suddenly appears in front of us.

Behind the glass, I see a small glowing orange ball.

[That\'s your mana core, you\'ll have to break this barrier to be able to access it, ] Myra tells me as she points at the glass-like vortex.

"Does everyone go through this process?" I ask.

[No, normal people don\'t need to go into their sea of consciousness to break the barrier around their mana core. But you are an Incubus, and the barrier around your mana core is very hard. 

So you have to break it from the inside….] Myra answers.

I nod my head and dash toward the barrier, lodging my fist forward.


A loud sound erupts as my fist comes into contact with the barrier and my hand shatters due to the impact. However, it starts to regenerate and grows back to normal.

Myra looks at me and shakes her head.

[You\'ll be damaging your sea of consciousness if you keep getting injured. I told you earlier to use the aura that you felt when you got transported into your sea of consciousness…]

I simply let out a sigh and start to summon that strange aura again. Suddenly, I start to feel a tingling sensation crawling all over my skin. In the next moment, my eyes suddenly flash open with a bright yellow glow.

Even Myra looks surprised at this moment and also looks terrified at the glow in my eyes.

I channel the energy into my fist and start to dash toward the barrier again, but this time at an insane speed. While I\'m still a few meters away from the barrier, I start to condense all the aura into my fist which is starting to break down. Propelling myself in a spinning motion, I land a strike on the barrier.


A loud explosion occurs and a cracking sound is heard. The force of the explosion blows me away with my shattered hand, which isn\'t healing.


I land on the floor next to Myra, who seems to be surprised and stuck in a daze.  

In the next moment, an orange, floating, glowing ball begins to drift towards me. Before I know what is going on, the ball enters my body.

Then a white light envelopes me, and I\'m back into my original body in the stinky toilet.

\'What the heck was that?\' I mutter as I realize that my body is soaked in sweat.

Myra, are you there?

[Vincent, what the hell are you?!] Myra asks with a terrified voice.

What\'s wrong Myra? This is no time to play…

[T-Those eyes, t-they look like his…]

Who are you talking about?

[Ahh~ never mind, b-but don\'t use those eyes again….] Myra mutters.

I don\'t know what she meant by \'they look like his\' but I know that she is talking about the yellow glowing eyes that I suddenly had before breaking the barrier. And, I won\'t pry deep into her privacy, but there was something odd going on.

Myra, what are you saying? Have you forgotten that my God\'s eyes are also yellow? Why are you making a fuss about it?

[Ahh~, I-I remember but please don\'t use those eyes unless you desperately need to. I have a bad feeling about it, I-It\'s the eyes of a certain god who had his eyes gouged out by Laximus, the god of death.

Laximus is the creator of this system, while those eyes….are…are…the eyes of that other god. The owner of those eyes is currently blind, but he shouldn\'t be underestimated. Each time you use those eyes, he\'ll always feel it.

And trust me, his followers will be on the hunt for your eyes, now they\'ve felt the energy of it coming from this planet.

When I mean followers, they are dedicated followers that have the markings of the blind god. They are like his lap dogs, and they are not to be underestimated either.] Myra warns me.

Hearing her words, a feeling of dread overwhelms me because I have used this god\'s eyes twice. The first was when I was inside the carriage with Versys, and the second is now.

A-Are are they going to gouge out my eyes?

[Yes, not only that but they will brutally kill you and your loved ones. And the only way to avoid this is to get stronger, stronger even than Agus at her peak.]



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