
Chapter 17 17 - Place Of Terror

Song Peizhi stood tall and proud atop the carriage, basking in the warm glow of his recent success. Accompanied by Old Mao and two other guards, he was on top of the world. The hunt had been fruitful, and he had succeeded in restoring his family\'s name and prestige.

His excitement was palpable, his wide smile stretching from ear to ear, illuminating his chubby face. He gazed upon the passing children with a hungry look in his eyes, savoring the thought of tonight\'s meal.

His happiness was infectious, and his guards shared in his joy. They all stood in triumphant solidarity, with the sun beating down on their broad shoulders, as they rode through the bustling streets. The weight of the world seemed to have lifted from Peizhi\'s shoulders, and he basked in the glory of his success.

Old Mao, who was used to his master\'s actions and habits, simply looked on with a calm and unbothered expression. However, the two other Level 2 Qi Trainees guards who were standing guard alongside him couldn\'t help but frown in distaste as they gazed at Song Peizhi. Their eyebrows were furrowed, a clear indication of their displeasure and disgust towards the noble. They wondered how someone like Song Peizhi could be considered a noble, with his actions and behavior that were far from noble-like. They couldn\'t help but question how he was able to get away with such behavior and still maintain his status as a noble. The two guards were left confused and frustrated, wondering if there was any justice in this world.

The world of cultivators is a ruthless one where strength is the ultimate measure of worth. Song Peizhi, a rotund man, is well aware of this. He knows that if it weren\'t for the power of his father, he would have faced a brutal punishment from the masses. His father is a highly respected Rank 1 Qi Expert and protector of Green Lotus City, a city that is situated on the border of Su Dynasty and Western Wen. The protection of the city is vital, as it is constantly at risk of invasion. Without the aid of Qi Experts and Qi Trainees, the city would have long since fallen.

This is why the higher ups are willing to overlook the actions of individuals like Song Peizhi, despite his unsavory behavior. Despite the fact that he may have committed atrocities, the power of his father serves as a deterrent to those who would seek to punish him. Even if people publicly condemn his actions, in reality, they are powerless to stop him. The deterrence of strength and powerful Qi Experts is a force to be reckoned with.

The world of cultivators is one where only the strong survive. Song Peizhi knows this, and he uses the power of his father to his advantage. Despite his own shortcomings, he is able to act with impunity, knowing that his father\'s strength serves as a shield to protect him from those who would seek to bring him to justice. The world of cultivators is a cruel one, but with the right backing, anyone can do anything they please.

Ximen Wei was filled with awe as he witnessed the incredible transformation in Old Mao. Despite his weak and fragile appearance, Old Mao\'s physique had undergone a remarkable change, all due to his mastery of Qi. Ximen Wei was filled with a deep longing to attain the same level of mastery and control over Qi.

He marveled at the thought of what he would become if he was able to reach the same level as Old Mao. His body, which was already young and full of energy, would become even stronger, more resilient, and more powerful. Ximen Wei could not help but imagine what level of power a Level 2 or Level 3 Qi Trainee would possess, or even a legitimate Qi Expert. The potential for growth and mastery was limitless.

Despite his current circumstances of being captured in a foreign world, Ximen Wei remained hopeful. He was determined to go back home to be with his friends and family. This was the driving force behind his persistence and determination. If it wasn\'t for his loved ones, Ximen Wei would have lost all hope and taken his own life. But now, he had a purpose, a reason to push forward and strive to become a powerful Qi Expert.


Ximen Wei was abruptly yanked from his thoughts by the crack of a whip, wielded by a guard with a stern expression. He surveyed his surroundings and was met with the heartbreaking sight of young children, enslaved and forced to work. In modern-day Earth, a person like Song Peizhi, who was responsible for this, would have been publicly denounced and brought to justice. But here, it was a different story.

As Ximen Wei approached a grand and luxurious mansion, his eyes were drawn to its magnificence. The ancient Siheyuan was a testament to the wealth and power of the Song Family, with its towering pavilions and formidable doors. The two life-like statues of Chinese dragons at the entrance only added to the intimidating aura that surrounded the mansion.

Ximen Wei couldn\'t help but feel awed by the splendor of the place and took a moment to savor the beauty of the lost history of Modern Earth. But his moment of peace was short-lived, as he was immediately led into the dark dungeon of the mansion.

The foul smell of blood, feces, and urine was overpowering, and Ximen Wei felt a surge of nausea. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he was horrified by the sight of torture devices, stained with dried blood, that littered the room. The putrid stench of the place was almost suffocating, and Ximen Wei struggled to catch a breath without gagging.

The guards looked at Ximen Wei with pity and sympathy, realizing that he was unaware of the fate that awaited him once he entered that place of terror. Ximen Wei was thrown into a jail cell and was left to endure the horrors of the Song Family mansion.

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