
Chapter 61 Battling An Elder

A right hook and a low kick came flying my way. I met the right hook with my left hook and BAM! The impact of our hand collision broke her fist in many places.

"KYAAAAAA!!!" She screamed in agony.

"KYAAAAAA!!!!" The second girl who sent a low kick my way screamed out as well! She probably felt like she kicked a wall with all her strength!

Both girls collapsed to the ground while clutching their broken hand and foot.

I had thought that with three kids sprawled on the ground, the rest would be more cautious and would avoid attacking me.

However, for some reason, the reverse was true. The ten year olds somehow saw me as a weak and easy target and kept coming at me.

Five kids came charging out of nowhere and attacked me together!

I finally got tired of being so passive and proceeded to bash them up.




I took their attacks without a care and punched them down ruthlessly. After those five, I went on to attack the kids around me and the group.


I went on a short rampage and quickly disabled twenty to thirty kids who were unlucky enough to be in my way.

My physique, even in that early stage of my life, was already one of, if not the strongest in the world. Those snot-faced ten year olds I attacked that day truly deserved pity and sympathy at the maximum degree.

But the entrance test was extremely important to me.

Bacon was at stake.

After disabling so many, there was finally a little peace and quiet in my little area.

"Guys, take their tokens and let\'s go." I said seriously as I took one off the moaning body of a little scrawny boy who had the nerve to attack me earlier.

"Yes let\'s do that. Come on girls, let\'s go!" Andrew agreed as he did the same to another boy.

Together, we took the tokens we needed from the nearest kids and left the peak.

We proceeded at a slow and steady jog with me at the very front. Andrew and Kenny took the rear to protect the team from rear sneak attacks.

Every once in a while, a few unlucky kids would launch a sneak attack at me and I would instantly respond with a vicious jab that more often than not would break a bone or two.

It was a tragic day for the city as thousands upon thousands of ten year olds would later leave the entrance exam with grave injuries, broken bones and worst of all, broken spirits.

However, such was the struggle to reach to top in the overpopulated Chinese Federation.

It was a constant, bloody struggle for resources. Being THE top Mecha Pilot Academy in the country, it was normal that the National Mecha Pilot Academy\'s entrance test would be so difficult to pass.

With me easily taking down all the sneaky ambushers, the incredibly difficult second segment of the test became a breeze for us.

Very soon, we left the ambushers behind. At that point, Andrew immediately told me to go on ahead again.

"Break the record for us, brother! Make sure that you become number one in this exam! Go! Go now!" Andrew urged me as the other four also voiced their agreement.

"You\'re not my brother if you allow me to hold you back this way!" Kenny shouted at me. "Go!"

I smiled at them and felt extremely touched.

"Alright, to justify my action, I will smash that record to smithereens!" I declared. "All of you take care! Don\'t let up and get to the second peak as soon as possible!"

With that, I dashed off, not knowing that I would not see most of them again for a very, very long time. If I knew then that I would not be seeing them for such a long time, I would probably have stayed with them and slowly make our way to the second peak. Afterall, even by doing that, I would still be first for that second segment.

But life never turns out the way we want it to, so away I went, seeking to smash the second record once and for all time.

Free to exert the full strength of my enhanced body, I immediately made extremely good time and reached the second peak within thirty short minutes.

"HAPP!" I shouted as I leapt up high, cleared the final obstacle and landed on the peak with flourish.

"JUSTIN! HA HA HA! I knew you would be first! Welcome! WELCOME!!" Elder Liam stood up from his seat and greeted me excitedly with a loud voice.

I gaped in surprise at Elder Liam and the rest of the Elders who were seated comfortably in a large gazebo. The gazebo was facing six large arenas divided into two rows, each with two practice mechas standing at the ready.

I had not expected that the second peak was actually a mecha sparring arena!

However, even as I was gaping at the presence of so many Elders in white uniform and the existence of the mecha sparring arenas, the Elders were gaping at me in surprise too.

"What on earth is happening here? Did he just break the record for the second segment exam by a whole hour?"

"I think you\'re mistaken. It\'s not an hour, it\'s two hours!"

"Incredible! I must recruit him to join my Tiger Faction at all costs!"

"Hmph! Your faction is full of losers. Why would he join it? He should join my Mongoose Faction where his maximum potential can be achieved!"

"HA! Don\'t make me laugh. Both your factions are losers compared to my Eagle Faction."

"EAGLE FACTION? HAHAHA! You must be nuts. He should join my Shark Faction!"

"Elders, please. We are not vegetable and fruit shopkeepers, let us not squabble over a mere boy like that." A soft but authoritative voice rang out.

"Ah hahaha yes, yes of course, Grand Elder Shella!"

"Of course! Of course!"

All the squabbling elders immediately conveyed their agreement and then shut their mouths.

I looked at the owner of the soft voice curiously. She looked really young, even younger than Veronica Wu who, by the way, was not present on that second peak.

"Come this way, Justin and have a seat." Elder Liam pointed at the space between the gazebo and the arenas. "You can pick which Elder you want to battle later when the rest of the kids reach this place."

"WHAT? Battling an Elder?!" I shouted.

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