
Chapter 140 Disciplinary Court

From the outset, pitting the Wangs and the Longs against anybody was unfair. They were both from elite clans, and their kids were extremely highly trained.

Mere minutes after the first punch was thrown, the fight ended.

In fact, it would have ended much sooner if the Wangs and the Longs did not limit themselves to merely defending and deflecting.

The sixty of us stood victoriously over one hundred downed kids, many of them wailing in pain.


"Fighting? You lie, Elder Harris! We weren\'t fighting at all!" I shouted.

"You dare accuse me of lying? Let\'s see if you can still say that in our Disciplinary Court!! All of you! Proceed to the Detention Room at once!!" Elder Harris roared.

He was so pissed he didn\'t even care that his precious Long Family members were part of the group he sent to the Detention Room.

I merely shrugged and started to make my way to the Detention Room.

"Get the medical team over! Heal these punks and send them to the Detention Room as well!" Elder Harris roared at his aide.

It truly was a very eventful second day of school. Bruce Pang later told me that our batch was far and away the most troublesome batch in all of his years as a Principal!

Of course we were.

You can\'t expect a bunch of little dragons and phoenixes to act like house lizards and farm hens right?

Anyway, we quickly reached the Detention Room which was located in a separate building a short distance away from the Dorm.

It was designed like a huge prison.

It had bars instead of walls, and the entrance was exactly like a prison door.

It was designed to intimidate the wrongdoer and to create a trauma so that they would do all they could to avoid being sent into that room ever again.

However, for the sixty something of us, its intimidating effect was mostly useless.

There is something in doing things together, especially dangerous and outrageous things, that brings people together.

We trooped into the Detention Room, sat down, and then grinned at each other.

Whatever happened next, we were comforted in the fact that we would face them together.

Even though I still had negative feelings about the Longs, good ones were beginning to form as well.

They had followed me in my foolhardy decision to create trouble without a word of protest, and were about to be punished with me.


"What will happen next?" Olivia asked Eliana Wang quietly. She had promptly left her group to stand at my side when I made my move towards the hundred kids.

Olivia Summers knew that I was up for trouble, and did not hesitate to throw her lot with me.

She is a righteous person, but she is more loyal than she is righteous, and thus there she was.

"We will wait here while the Disciplinary Court convenes to look at the CCTV recordings. Once they see the evidence, we will be summoned to stand before the court to provide our statements. And then the Court will make its judgement." Eliana Wang explained.

"We didn\'t attack any of them. We should be fine." Elise Wang said breezily. "There are no punishments for self defence."

"But Justin did make the first move by purposely walking towards them. They might rule that as an act of aggression, and our actions to join him make us accomplices." Hailey Long said thoughtfully.

"That punk Farrel called us losers first. Justin was merely walking over to tell him that it was not friendly to say such words to us, and that for the greater good of the class, we need to be positive and supportive instead of being so aggressive with our words. But alas! Before he could say a word, that aggressive little boy Farrel actually tried to push Justin violently away!" Barrick Rui said dramatically and made the rest laugh lightly.

They doubted that the Disciplinary Court would be so dumb as to believe that horseshit, but it was funny nonetheless.

Still, the fact remained that he did call us losers first, and that, ultimately, was the deciding factor that saved me from suspension.

It took the court merely thirty minutes to summon us, and another thirty minutes to make its ruling.

The Disciplinary Court was a simple room. There was a raised dais where three Judges sat behind a long table.

Directly in front of them was an empty area that would serve as an evidence exhibition area if required.

And in front of the empty area were rows and rows of seats for the staff and other students.

The offending parties were placed to the left and right of the empty area within two barred spaces.

Apparently they had anticipated dealing with large groups of naughty students when they made the Courtroom.

That day, the Courtroom was filled with all available Teachers, Elders and Grand Elders. Even Vice Principal Jeanette Wen was there!

Behind them were all the students who managed to squeeze themselves into the super packed courtroom.

After listening to all of our statements, the lead Judge, Grand Elder Xu gave her judgement.

"The Disciplinary Court finds that Farrel Lan was the instigator of the incident by aggressively calling the rest of the class losers. He was also the first to physically attack another student.

The Disciplinary Court hereby sentences Farrel Lan to a two week suspension, one hundred hours of community service and fines him two thousand credits.

The Disciplinary Court finds that Justin Whitefrost engaged in a retaliatory aggressive act by changing directions and walking directly towards Farrel and the others that resulted in the fight.

The Disciplinary Court hereby sentences Justin to twenty hours of community service and fines him one thousand credits.

The Disciplinary Court hereby fines all other students engaged in that incident one thousand credits each."

A murmur of approval sounded from the crowd of teachers and students.

But of course, there were some who weren\'t happy at all with the light sentence.

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