
Chapter 174: Predecided Life

Chapter 174: Predecided Life

My brows were raised. What the hell is she talking about? Does she meet Lucia? How is that possible? After I got the memories of my past self, Lucia started appearing in my dream. I know that she has the method to contact me. But why did she contact Alexandra? 

Hah, these women are too conspicuous. 

“Don’t you want to know what she said to me?” Alexandra asked me while her eyes were fixed on me, while a subtle smile lingered on her face.

“Tell me,” I asked. But she kept her mouth shut while her eyes were fixed on me. After a while, she sighed and said.

“To think that I would meet another GOD in my lifetime. It was really unbelievable, but I knew that one day she would meet me and that was the day when she came into my Dream.”

“Initially, I thought it was just a dream, but slowly, I started realizing that she was GOD, who specifically came to meet me.”

She closed her eyes and said, “She said that the time is nearing. This universe has been sealed for a very long time and soon this world will be exposed. Many enemies are searching for you in that world and they would leave no stone unturned to kill you.”

My brows furrowed when I heard her words. Why am I kept in the Dark? Why did Lucia hide this information?

“And?” I asked her again.

Alexandra looked at me and said. “She told me to take care of you. To help you in these dark times. I think you should have seen that some strange creatures have started attacking the planets, right? To be honest, this is the first time that we have seen creatures like that. Before that Goddess came to my dream. I didn’t know anything about the creatures. But afterward, I got to know that this world is going to face a lot of tribulations in the future.”

“Oh,” My brows relaxed slightly while my eyes were still fixed on her. I still don’t know the content of her dream. But she disclosed a huge secret. The world is going to change. The seal is getting ineffective. Now I remember. Lucia told me that she is trying hard to stall the time. Maybe she was referring to this event.

“What more she said?” I asked her again.

But she shook her head and said, “Nothing much. She told me to guide you to become stronger. I should be the pillar that will support you in the future. There are many undercurrents in that world and you should be quite careful.”

I sighed and looked at her. My mind was filled with many complex emotions. To think that she already knew that I was the reincarnation of that man. What about her emotions? What does she feel about me? Does she think that it was her duty to guide me or does she really care about me?

As if she understood my thoughts, she said, “Are you thinking that, since I already knew about your reincarnation. I purposely choose to get close to you?”

She laughed mockingly. “In a way, you are right. In my whole life, my only goal was to break free from the restraint and become GOD. For that, I ransacked many planets to get the clue. But my hard work bore fruit when I met that man. He told me that I could be free of the restraint of this world. But for that, I would have to complete the mission. The mission he gave me was to be your pillar. He even imparted to me the method to understand the essence of my powers. But he told me that I could not ascend until and unless you are ready to leave this world.”

She sighed, a lost look appearing in her eyes. “Whatever I told you before was a lie. I already knew that you would reincarnate in that jungle. That was the reason I took a break from the battlefield and chose to become the Facility Head of that place. The only thing I don’t know was the timing of your arrival. I waited for your arrival for a long time and one day, my patience bore fruit and I saw you.”

“To be honest, I was surprised when I saw you. You looked just like that man. But he was a human while you were an evolved monkey. From that day onwards, you were on my radar. You would have noticed my intervention in your life, right? Just like he said, I wanted to be the pillar of your life. I wanted to be your guide. But unknowingly, the more time I spent with you. The more you gained the place in my heart. My Goal was sidelined, and I really started caring about you.”

She shook her head and looked at me. “To think that I would like a man who is a reincarnation of GOD is quite ridiculous. But how could I control my heart? At one point in time, I decided to keep a distance from you. But I couldn’t do that. I really started caring about you. But you know what? I thought that it would lot of time for you to become strong. But your growth exceeded commonsense. Nobody in this world could have gotten stronger this fast. I was worried that it would hamper your growth. But then, you are the reincarnation of that man. How could we apply commonsense to your growth?”

My gaze was fixed on her. I heard everything she said. To be honest, even I couldn’t believe that she had met that man. All this time, I thought that this is a tremendous secret and nobody in this world should know about it. But he already made every arrangement for me. Somehow, a feeling of loss started appearing in my heart.

Why did I reincarnate? What is the purpose of this reincarnation? Why should I blindly follow the will of that man? I know that he has sacrificed many things in his life. But why should I be the one to suffer? It is quite easy to say that my path would be a lot easier. I could easily become the GOD. But what about my pride?

Hah, now I understand. All these things were pre-arranged by him. Even in this life, he wanted me to grow faster. To become the GOD and fulfill his unfinished task. But what about me? Does that man really care about me? 

To be honest, I didn’t want this type of life. If I accomplished the task of becoming the GOD by myself. I would really be satisfied. Anyway, I couldn’t change anything. It was my destiny to be the reincarnation of that man. But I could change the future.

The past cannot be changed but I can change the future. I should utilize his every arrangement and become the GOD of this world and arrive at that world. 

Until and unless I become powerful. I couldn’t change anything. But one or the other way, I have to thank him. Today I realized the Goal of my life. I would not be dancing to the tune of others. It is my life and it would be my choice. I will not tolerate any interference in my life.

I took a deep breath and looked at Alexandra. She was also the pawn in the big game. But to be honest, she also has occupied the place in my heart. I wouldn’t let anyone hurt her. She has sacrificed many things in her life. Now it is time for her to enjoy life. She may be muddle-headed as the only goal in her life was to ascend to that world. But I understand. She grew up in that environment. She didn’t have anyone in her life.

Whatever it may be. I should appreciate the people in my life. After I came to this world, my life changed. I found that there are really people who care about me. Maybe it was also the arrangement of that man. But I don’t care about that. 

Leave Alexandra. What about the others? I think they don’t know about my secret, but they really care about me. From Olivia to Tanya. Everyone holds a special place in my heart and I don’t want to disappoint them.

Maybe it was also my destiny to meet them. It was my destiny that these people would play an important role in my life. Now I somehow understand what destiny is. 

Hah, to think that destiny also played a role in my life. It is quite unbelievable. Anyway, I can’t change anything. The only thing I could do now was to become strong and protect the ones I cared about.

From her words, I know that the future would not be peaceful and I don’t want to implicate them.

Until and unless I become stronger. They would be shrouded in danger.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

The future is uncertain but I have to believe in myself

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