
Chapter 644

Since the establishment of the wasteland Council, the environment on the wasteland had improved, and society had developed rapidly.

Almost everyone had a taste of the benefits of stable and rapid development.

But there were two exceptions-AFU and Pharaoh tumeng.

AFU had been assigned a mission by link. As a ” tenant, ” the Pharaoh tumeng had to follow him.

Neither of these two missions had a specific process, so all they could do was to search aimlessly.

thus, during this period of time, afu had relied on asking questions along the way to the gobi desert where aria, the wasteland singer, had last appeared, but he had found nothing. On the other hand, they were unable to find the whereabouts of the dynasty’s weapons. After running around for several days without making any progress, Fu and Pharaoh tumeng were quite frustrated.

“Are we still going to continue searching in the desert? The last time the wasteland singer appeared was a few months ago. We don’t know where she is now. We won’t be able to find any clues here.” Pharaoh tumeng controlled the moon ship to fly through the desert. he couldn’t feel cold or warm in his soul box, but the search for the past few days had yielded no results, which made him discouraged and wrapped in negative energy.

fu sat on the moon ship and looked into the distance. Although his eyes were slightly confused, he kept looking straight ahead.

Seeing Fu’s determination, Pharaoh tumeng spoke again, ” “There’s no one in the Gobi Desert. If you keep going south, you’ll reach the coast. Moreover, he had been acting based on his intuition for the past few days, but he had gained nothing. Maybe there’s something wrong with your intuition. You can’t always believe in your intuition, right?”

Ah Fu’s lips were so dry that they were peeling, and her hair was also curled.

Her lips trembled, and her voice was hoarse from the wind and frost.

“Let’s continue forward. We’ll definitely find some clues.”

Pharaohs tumeng shook his head helplessly and sighed. Although Fu usually looked kind and easy to talk to, once he made up his mind to do something, even ten horses wouldn’t be able to pull him back.

“alright, let’s continue south.”

The midday sun was scorching hot, and the Gobi Desert was under the scorching sun. The water vapor in the air was twisting, distorting the scene in the distance.

Fu’s eyes were fixed on the endless Gobi Desert.

Suddenly, a long, swaying figure appeared on the horizon.

Fu’s eyes suddenly lit up as he pointed at the black shadow.

Pharaoh tumeng, who was controlling the moon ship, also opened his eyes wide. This was the first person they had met in the desert in the past two days.

For some reason, Pharaoh tumeng suddenly had a premonition as he looked at Fu’s determined back. The person in the desert might know something about ally.

Pharaoh tumeng did not know why he had such an absurd thought.

The moon ship increased its speed on the desert, stirring up a trail of dust.

He squinted his eyes as the wind blew against his face.

However, Fu saw that the black shadow in the distance seemed to have noticed their rapid movement. He straightened his back and was stunned for a moment, then actually began to look for a place to hide.

Fu and Pharaoh tumeng didn’t say anything. If this man could escape under their watch, they wouldn’t have to stay in the wasteland anymore.

Very quickly, the moon ship arrived at the place where the black shadow was. There was a small mound of earth here, and under the mound was a hole that had been dug. The entrance of the hole was sealed by a fence made of wooden spikes. Looking into the cave through the light, he saw that the ground was covered with weeds and there was a water bucket. It seemed to be a resting cave.

The cave was empty, but Pharaoh tumeng had already detected the heat signal above the Gobi Desert. Carrying Fu, he quietly arrived above a pile of rocks and immediately saw a young man wrapped in linen clothes of a similar color to the Gobi Desert, curled up and pretending to be a rock.

“We already saw you, there’s no need to hide.” The Pharaoh tumeng said coldly.

we’re staff sent by link to investigate, ” AFU added. we want to know more about the appearance of Aria, the wasteland singer, a few months ago. I wonder if you know about it? ”

Compared to pharaohs tumeng’s cold voice, Fu’s voice was much gentler.

When the young man under the linen clothes heard Link’s name, he lifted his clothes suspiciously and asked,”Did the head of state send you to investigate?”

Fu took out all the identification documents of the Lin Financial Group, think tank, and Colosseum.

The young man looked at it for a long time and scratched his head in embarrassment. “i’m sorry, i can’t read. However, seeing all these documents, you shouldn’t be lying.”

“Do you know where ally is? We only know that she was last seen in this desert before she disappeared.”

seeing the young man’s reminiscing eyes, fu and pharaoh tumeng looked at each other and felt that there was hope. it seemed that this young man did know something.

“i was once terminally ill and was determined by the doctor to only have a few months to live. Because he didn’t have the money for treatment, he wanted to die. Unfortunately, he heard that the goddess had appeared again. She had already left the dark forest of Faye and was heading in the direction of Dragon City. as long as one was born and raised in this land, they would naturally know that the goddess could bring about miracles.

Thus, I trekked all the way to the Gobi Desert, hoping to see the goddess. Just as I was about to run out of energy, I saw a storm on the horizon of the Gobi Desert. A Silver Stage wrapped in rolling sand and dust was speeding from the distance. immediately after that, musical notes drifted into his ears, as if they had fallen from the sky. let my almost dried-up soul be nourished again,

The goddess’s voice brought me across the long river of time. In the flow of time, I saw the spectacular sight of the wasteland’s birth. The debris and nebulas floating in the universe after the collision re-condensed into a hot star core. After tens of millions of years of evolution, the hot magma and matter on the outer shell gradually cooled down. The impact of the comet caused the movement of the earth’s crust and a large amount of rising steam. The birth of the ancestor’s cells and the evolution of living things. The ocean and the land were enshrouded in lush green trees. Life multiplied, and everything came from nothing. Life flourished and shone like the stars.

during this process, i was surprised to find that my emaciated body was starting to recover its vitality. my entire body was recovering to its peak condition at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye. Seven-colored clouds appeared on the stage of the silver Chariot, and the goddess was wearing a beautiful blue dress that looked like a star waterfall. It was as if the entire Galaxy was hanging on her body, shining brightly.”

even now, the youth’s eyes were filled with intense worship and admiration as he recalled this.

Fu and Pharaoh tumeng were both shocked by the splendid scene described by the young man. After a long while, Pharaoh tumeng came back to his senses and hurriedly asked, ” “What happened after that? where did ally go?”

“I also transformed into a follower and chased after the silver Stage in the desert. However, the silver war chariot stage galloped through the desert. No matter how hard we tried, we couldn’t get close at all. Instead, the distance between us was getting bigger and bigger. In the end, the stage and the singing disappeared into the endless sand and dust, without a trace.”

when the young man said this, his face revealed an empty and regretful expression, as if his heart had been pulled out.

This was the first time AFU and the Pharaoh tumeng had heard someone describe someone who had seen the wasteland singer, ally. Just from the description alone, they were already looking forward to it.

However, the final result was disappointing.

” did he really just disappear into the sand and no one saw more details? ” Fu asked, unwilling to give up.

yes. the young man nodded with certainty. because after the goddess disappeared, all the followers stopped. They either wailed in pain or felt empty and helpless. After staying for a while, they finally accepted the reality and left resentfully.

“Then why are you still here?” Pharaoh tumeng couldn’t help but ask.

The young man looked at the direction where the goddess had disappeared and said with certainty, ” “I firmly believe that the goddess will return, so I have to wait here. The goddess must have had her own thoughts and goals in allowing my dying body to be reborn. I’ve already seen the vast and boundless truth. The next time I see the goddess, I want to understand my mission.”

Seeing the unusual energy fluctuation around the young man, Pharaoh tumeng suddenly asked, ” “what’s your name?”

“Ji Lu.”

we’re also looking for ally. We have the same goal on this. Are you interested in working together? ”

A trace of vigilance flashed through Ji Lu’s eyes as he asked, ” “You’re looking for the goddess, don’t tell me you’re going to harm her?”

Although he didn’t know why pharaohs tumeng suddenly roped in Girou, Fu definitely chose to assist.

“We’re looking for ally under the head of state’s orders, why would we harm her?”

Giroud thought about it and agreed. That was the leader link, the hero who led the people of the wasteland to fight against the alien planet. He was also the existence that he saw as a God. how could such a loving man, who was dedicated to letting all the people on the wasteland live a good life, harm the goddess?

“Alright, I’ll cooperate with you.”

When Giroud returned to his cave abode, Fu took the time to ask Pharaoh tumeng in a low voice, ” “Why do you suddenly want to work with him?”

“I can see the energy fluctuations of a believer on him. It meant that he had indeed received ally’s gift and had become her loyal believer. The power of faith has a source. If we follow the trail of the power of faith in Giroud, we might be able to find ally.”

“You can actually see the power of faith?” Fu asked in surprise.

“Of course. Don’t forget that I used to be a Pharaoh. I enjoyed the worship and worship of the entire desert, so I can naturally see this energy.”


Just as Fu and Pharaoh tumeng made some progress in their investigation, an epic plan in Shandu was put on the agenda, and all activities and current projects had to make way for this plan.

The plan was the Babel Tower plan.

There was only one goal in this project, which was to modify the city in all aspects so that it could adapt to the complex and ever-changing space environment. At the same time, install a ” heart ” to the floating mech city so that this moving city of steel could rise into the air!

The modification success rate of both the mech city and the transport ship was 99%. After much consideration, link gathered Helen, Dave, and Ludovic to discuss the feasibility of transforming the mech city into a space fortress. The final conclusion was that although there was a challenge, the success rate was 80%.

Helen even gave link a few ideas, which showed him more possibilities.

Thus, the Babel plan was born.


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