
Chapter 46

After Tidas had closed the door to the carriage, Skye’d stuck most of her upper body out the window to wave. She kept herself out even after her loved ones had faded into the distance. The cold night air felt good on her flushed skin. The whiskey had been stronger than she’d expected, making her feel hot.

The prince sat in a seat with his back towards the end of the carriage; staring at his wife’s backside. Her posterior bounced and swayed with the bumpy ride of the carriage. Tidas didn’t mind the view, but they were alone now.. And he wanted to do more than just look at her. After he knew the castle was out of view, Tidas leaned forward and lightly smacked his wife’s ass.

Skye lurched forward slightly in reaction, then pulled herself back inside the carriage. She both glared and smiled at Tidas before taking a seat directly across from him. Tidas scoffed before he got up and sat beside her. The smile left her face as she said, “I almost fell from the window just now! Why would I want ye to sit next to me?”

Tidas barked a laugh before saying; “I apologize.. I just couldn’t help myself.”

Skye scoffed as she folded her arms. She stared forward, trying to ignore the pleading look that her husband was giving her. He stretched his arm out along the top, back part of the seat; resting it behind his wife’s neck. Tidas leaned back into the corner of the seat, trying to give her a little breathing room without leaving her side.

Skye wasn’t really irritated with him. It’d suddenly hit her that this was the night she’d finally give herself to Tidas, and it scared her momentarily. She was a virgin, but she was also familiar with with her husband; she loves him.. The fear she felt made no sense to her, so she shoved it deep down before saying; “Ima sorry.. Ima more nervous than I thought I’d be.”


Tidas examined his wife as her hands fidgeted in her lap. He felt bad for how nervous she was. Not knowing how else to comfort her, the prince took the two steps to the other seat and grabbed the basket Peggy had left under it. When he held it up, a large smile stretched across Skye’s face. It was kind of him to offer the welcomed distraction.

Pulling back the top of the basket in the dimly lit carriage, they both swallowed at the savory sight. Two sandwiches: one made of the roasted chicken for Skye, and an oversized roast beef for Tidas. They had separate gravies that complimented their respective meats. Underneath the sandwiches, inside a covered glass bowl that had been flipped upside down; were six strawberries that had been dipped in chocolate. It was Skye’s second favorite dessert, and in Peggy’s mind; appropriate for the situation. As was the two mint leaves sitting off to the side of the bowl.

They ate the sandwiches slowly, leaving an oddly comfortable silence between them. Their destination was just outside of Dragonhorn, so it would take a few hours to get there. Skye was happy they wouldn’t reach their destination for a while, allowing her time to relax. Feeling sleepy, Skye began to sink into her seat as she finished her mint leaf. She was about to nod off when the ride became horribly bumpy.

A pouch of water flopped over from where the basket had been. Tidas leaned down to get it, but was sent flying head first, into the adjacent seat cushion when the carriage hit a pothole. He’d yelled; “Oh shit!” Grunting loudly upon impact.

He then slammed into the side of the carriage, opposite the door. Feeling like a tossed sack of potatoes; Tidas went to his knees and held onto the seat until they’d passed the rough patch of road.

When Skye saw him face-plant into the back of the seat, she’d laughed hard. She was still laughing as he crawled the couple steps over to her, not wanting to be tossed about again. Skye turned her body towards him, tucking one leg up and under herself. Once he took his seat, Tidas looked at his bride’s reaction before shaking his head at her while smiling.

He was slightly embarrassed, but Skye had seen him do far more embarrassing things; especially in their youth. It made him feel good to see her laugh, even if it was at his expense. His wife was at ease now, and that’s all that mattered to him.

Skye was holding her full stomach as she’d had her fit. Laughing so hard had caused her gut to ache slightly, making her almost double over. As she leaned forward, the carriage hit another large pothole; launching Skye from her seat. She’d placed her leg out for balance and tried to pivot, but since her other leg had been tucked under her, it’d caused her to fall forward at an angle. Making her land straight into her husband’s lap.

Tidas instantly caught Skye; taking her momentum head on. He’d grunted with the impact, prompting his wife to look up at him worriedly. He looked down and grinned faintly before nodding. He’d placed one hand on her shoulder, and the other on her arm to catch her before she’d done her own face-plant.

Skye flashed a cheeky smile at her husband before attempting to sit up. Her left knee was on the seat while she stood on her right. She was bent over, and right in front of Tidas. Her unique smell of flowers and citrus invaded his nose, sending his other senses into overdrive. When she tried to go back to her seat, Tidas held her in place.

When Skye looked her husband in his eyes, she could see his hunger for her. It wasn’t as intense as at their wedding, and especially not t the hollow. As the thought came to her, Tidas pulled Skye to himself. Losing her balance, she had no choice but to let him pull her upper body so he could scoop her legs out from under her. Then the prince finally placed her on his lap.

Skye could hear her own heartbeat pounding in her chest as she looked up at her husband. Fear poked at the back of her mind, but it was overcome by the memories induced by Tidas’ smell and touch. She closed her eyes and began to remember the time they’d spent in their hollow.

The way his hands had felt on her bared skin.. The way he’d nipped and played with her breasts.. The way she’d felt when he’d rubbed her most sensitive place..

Tidas felt her heartbeat quicken, and her breathing become unstable. A sweet mint smell crept into his nose from her breath; making him wonder if that’s how her kisses would taste. Unable to stop himself, Tidas cupped his wife’s cheek tenderly.

Skye opened her eyes, but only halfway. The anxiety and fear she’d showed earlier was gone. Tidas could only see smoldering desire in them now. The prince had decided that he would wait to take his wife, at least until they reached their lodgings. But that didn’t mean they couldn’t build their fervor for each other in the meantime..

Tidas leaned in lightly and kissed his bride. Skye leaned in, gripping his vest for balance. The prince removed his hand from her face, placed it on her back, and scooted to the other side. He did it so Skye could lean against the carriage wall as he sat on the seat with her in his lap; her legs up on the seat. He pulled his arms out from behind and under her, and cupped her cheek with his left hand before he spoke.

“I will not let our first time be in a carriage, Skye. But we may do similar things to what we did in the hollow for now. As long as I have your permission..”

Skye smiled gently at her husband. Even now, when he had every right to her body; he still considered her feelings. The sandwich from earlier had nearly sobered her up completely. With her mind clear and her heart full; she said; “This will be the last time ye ask me that silly question, husband. I want you... And ye have my full permission to have yer way with me. All I ask is that ye be gentle.”

Tidas beamed at his sweet wife. He knew how she felt, but he wanted to hear it.. That the heavenly goddess sitting in his lap wanted him as much as he did her. It was a vein thought, he knew. But he also wanted to make sure she understood what it was he meant.

“I will, I promise... Are you still interested in learning, my sweet Skye? Or would you simply like to be spoiled for now?” Tidas asked with a devilish smirk; expecting her to choose to be spoiled.

Skye looked at her husband in confusion before it dawned on her. She smiled innocently before replying; “No.. I-I want to make you feel good, too.. Will ye.. Will ye teach me how?”

Tidas grinned at his wife before looking up at the ceiling. He couldn’t believe how sensual those five little words were. The prince could feel his lust rising as his member did. He stared at Skye’s mouth before licking his lips and asking, “Would you like to go first, or learn first?”

Skye put the tip of her thumb to her lips and bit the tip lightly in contemplation. The action nearly caused Tidas to decide for her. His breathing had become irregular as he waited for his wife’s response with bated breath.

“Well... Ye have already pleased me once. It’s only fair that I return the favor first,” Skye replied as she gave Tidas a serious look.

“Are you sure? You don’t have to, Skye. Most women find it unpleasant,” Tidas said honestly.

“Is it painful?” Skye voice had a touch of alarm in it as she asked.

Tidas chuckled before he replied; “No, ’tis not painful. I would have you take me into your mouth, and have you suckle and lick upon me. I will teach you what I like.”

Skye’s eyes bulged at Tidas’ language. She had no idea women could do such a thing to a man! As far as she knew, there was only one place a man put his manhood. It was a surprising concept, and Skye was eager to see what kind of expressions Tidas would make.

Skye smiled as she bit the tip of her thumb again. She scooted off of her husband’s lap, and onto the seat next to him. While looking at the bulge in his pants, she reacted over and grabbed Tidas by his cock. He stifled a moan as he looked to his wife expectantly. Grinning seductively, Skye replied; “I’d like ye to teach me first, if that’s alright with ye?”

Smiling broadly; the prince nodded, then locked eyes with his wife before saying: “Alright, but you’ll need to be on your knees directly in front of me.”

Skye moved to the floor of the carriage. She tucked the folds of her dress under her knees for extra padding. After she’d situated herself, Tidas began to undo his pants. The moment his second button came undone, his manhood popped out; causing a gasp to escape his wife’s lips..

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