
Chapter 48

While lifting the bottom of her dress, Tidas watched his beloved contemplate his meaning. It was adorable; the look she’d get when thinking hard about something. But Tidas didn’t want her thinking right now, he wanted Skye moaning. To see her in the throes of passion again, like how she’d been at the hollow.

Tidas rolled up his wife’s dress and ran his hands slowly up the inside of her legs. The sensation sent waves of heat and need throughout her body. When he reached the top of her thighs, he massaged where her hips met her legs. After a moment; his fingers slipped inside the lining of her underwear.

While tugging at them, Tidas said; “Lift your ass for me a little, wife.”

Skye complied; allowing him to slip her white, lacy undergarment down and off. Tidas tossed them onto the seat next to Skye before he turned his attention back to his wife. Her dress had unfurled slightly, obscuring his view.

Feeling self conscious; Skye put her legs together. He hadn’t needed to look at her when they were at the hollow. For some reason, the idea of him looking straight at her embarrassed her greatly. She wasn’t ready for Tidas to see her... there! When he’d put his hands on her knees to part them, she’d resisted.

The prince looked to his beguiling wife with a grin before he said; “Fair is fair, my love.”


With Tidas’ words: it’d finally clicked. He was going to do to her what Skye’d just done to him. The realization shocked her enough to make her forget to keep her legs clamped shut. She tried to close them again, but her husband was too quick and strong. He spread her, exposing her most secret area.

Skye looked to her husband with wide eyes. She was going to yell at him, but became distracted. Tidas had leaned against her like before and kissed her hungerly. She’d exhaled harshly when his clothes came into contact with her exposed lady bits. She moaned into the kiss as his right hand began to toy with her left nipple. He broke away from the kiss to look his wife in her eyes with a devilish smirk. He then gently ran his left index and middle finger up and down the tuff of hair between her legs.

As Skye inhaled sharply, Tidas said; “I know you said not to ask, but I’m asking, my sweet... Do you want me to give you what you crave?”

Looking at him through hooded eyes, Skye replied in a strained tone; “Yes-Yes Please... M-Make me feel good..”

Tidas kissed his wife passionately again before breaking away to explore her. He leaned back and down, but sucked in a quick breath at what he saw. Skye had groomed herself neatly; trimming her bush to be short, and into a heart shape. The golden curls were soft to his touch, and parted nicely; giving him a small peek at her hidden jewel. The wetness her saw nearly dripping from her made him ache with need again.

Skye arched her back at her husband’s soft caresses. She straightened one leg while bending her toes. Her hands gripped the edge of the seat as her breathing become louder and uneven. When his index and middle fingers slipped inside of her slit she’d gasped, then immediately tried to cover her mouth with her left hand.

The prince swallowed hard as he teased his wife with his fingers. He played with her lips near her entry, then slid them up to probe her jewel. Skye squirmed in her seat, making little noises every few strokes. He smiled rakishly before asking; “Does it feel good, my love?”

“Mmmm, Yes... Please.. More, Tidas..” Skye had placed her pointer finger on her lips horizontally as she’d spoken.

The ability to restrain himself was slowly fading. Tidas stared at the beauty that was his wife. Her hair was tousled and her eyes were clouded with lust. Her nipples were perked on her bared breasts, and the way her finger sat in her mouth only added to her enticement. Before he could do something regretful; Tidas bent down to be face to face with his wife’s groin. He spread her lips, and he lightly flicked at her jewel.

Skye cried out at the exquisite sensation brought on by her husband’s tongue. After he poked and prodded a few minutes, he slid it down by her entry. She wiggled, but her moans had decreased. When he worked his way back up to her jewel, her cries filled the carriage again.

Thinking he understood; Tidas spread her lips further, and used his other hand to pull up at the top. When he did this, the jewel revealed a tiny bud. When he lightly licked at it, Skye gasped loudly as her whole body tensed. Knowing he found the sweet spot; Tidas began to flick at it mercilessly with his skilled tongue.

It felt like electric currents were shooting through her body, straight to Skye’s core. She bucked her hips wildly; causing Tidas to use his arms and elbows to keep her in place. She entwined her fingers through his hair and gripped it tightly. He pulled tighter on her skin, exposing more of her bud; leading Tidas to suckle on it.

Skye screamed out her husband’s name as she hit her climax. Stars exploded into colors behind her closed eyes as her husband sent her to paradise. She smashed his face against her, making him intensify his efforts. She straightened both her legs, then curled her toes as her whole body convulsed.

Tidas had heard her crest; making him grin cockily as he worked. He was positive the coachman heard her as well, but it didn’t matter. Skye’s body went limp as all her lust drained from her. Tidas looked up at his disheveled wife with a knowing smile. Even though he had only one night of personal experience; he knew Skye would come to be an excellent lover.

All the knowledge Tidas had was gained through his years of campfire stories with his fellow soldiers. Whenever the fact that he was betrothed came up, he always got the same reaction: conflicting advice from the men and women. Most of the men suggested getting straight to the deed with little to no foreplay. This had caused every female soldier within ear shot to scoff.

Their advise was usually the same: foreplay is vital to the woman, and that the clit was the most important part to stimulate. Techniques varied, but most kept to the same principle. From the look of satisfaction on his wife’s face; Tidas felt safe assuming that listening to the women had been the smarter choice. Which made since; asking the source and all.

Skye slumped in her seat as every muscle in her body felt drained. Tidas stood up, dusted off his knees and lower legs, then sat next to his exhausted wife. She turned her head to him, but her eyes stayed closed. A lazy smile stretched across her blissful face before she said; “We must do that again later..”

Tidas burst out in laughter at his insatiable wife. The lass didn’t even have her eyes open, and she was already making plans. The prince grinned ear to ear, once he’d calmed himself. ‘What am I to do with this little vixen I’ve married?’ The thought caused his smile to soften as he pulled up the top up on his sleepy bride’s dress.

“Mmmm...” Skye mumbled at the warmth of his hand against her chilled flesh.

The temperature outside had dropped considerably since they’d set out. The moon hung high in the night sky as Tidas pulled his exhausted wee wife into his arms. He leaned her forward enough to tighten her strings so she wouldn’t pop out of her dress while she slept.

The prince adjusted himself before he’d scooted down in the seat, placed his head against Skye’s, and begun to nod off. He felt some discomfort, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as it’d been at the hollow. The release Skye had given him was enough to sate him; for now. As Tidas slipped into the darkness, he inhaled her sweet scent and smiled; imagining all he would do to her once they reached their destination.

The carriage came to bumpy halt; jolting Tidas and Skye awake. They’d been sleeping for almost two hours, and did not appreciate the rude awakening. The air inside the carriage was cold now, and Skye openly shivered. Tidas wished he’d grabbed his overcoat from the reception area, but they wouldn’t be cold for long.

The coachman opened the door, bowing to the prince as he’d stepped out. Tidas nodded at the middle aged man with a smile in thanks before extending his hand to his wife. As Skye stepped out of the carriage, the coachman turned beet red and gaped at her before bowing low. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. And the noises he’d heard made it hard to look at her.

Not noticing the man’s awkwardness; Skye looked about at her surroundings. She could tell there was a sign, but it was too dark to read. Looking past it to the left, she could see lights from a small cottage just down a thin, narrow road. It wasn’t long, but with how cold it was, Skye wasn’t thrilled about having to walk. She didn’t complain, though. She understood that there was no way for the carriage to make it down the road, let alone back.

After tipping the man generously and instructing him to return tomorrow at two o’clock, Tidas turned to his wife. She was visibly shaking from the cold as she stood looking around. Walking up behind her; the prince scooped her up into his arms to carry her bridal style. Too tired to complain about it; Skye snuggled against her husband.

Tidas kissed the top of her head as he grinned to himself. Skye was so small and sweet in his arms as she sighed out of contentment. As he walked down the narrow path, the prince decided to wait until tomorrow to have his way with his wee wife. They hadn’t exactly slept much the past forty-eight hours, and he could tell how fatigued she was.

Once he was only a few feet from the door, a man in his mid-thirties opened it. He welcomed the prince quietly; seeing the gorgeous woman asleep in his arms. After inviting them in to the warm, cozy cottage; he quickly explained the few things the couple needed to know, then left out the front door.

Tidas laid his sleeping wife on the oversized bed, on her side. He untied her dress properly, then stripped her slowly; trying not to wake her. Once he’d finished, Tidas stared in awe at the perfection of his wife’s body. For Skye truly was the most alluring woman he’d ever seen.

After admiring what was his a few moments, Tidas covered her up. She sighed and rolled over, flashing a small smile as she dreamed. The prince grinned, then undressed and crawled into bed with his wife. He’d scooted up against her backside, and wrapped his arm around her. After burying his face in her hair and inhaling, He used his hand to move her hair to kiss her neck. And fell into a deep, much needed sleep.

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