
Chapter 57

Chortling, Jonathan said: “Ye know Ima one for celebration, Martin!”

Skye looked to Jonathan and said: “Hey! Be nice, or we won’t give ye a ride home later!”

With an apologetic look, Jonathan replied; “Ima meant no disrespect; Martin is a good, long time friend of mine.”

“Then why do ye drop his honorific?” Skye persisted.

“Ima not! Ima just callin’ him by his first name,” Jonathan rebutted.

Skye’s brain lagged a moment as it processed before she asked: “Wait.. Yer name is Doctor Martin Martin?”


The doctor grinned and nodded. It had been a sore spot in his youth, but now he was quite fond of his name. It was a good icebreaker with adults, and children loved to sing-song it as he examined them. Making his job easier in the long run. So he took no offense when Skye began to giggle.

Once she’d stopped, the princess apologized for her outburst. Dr. Martin patted Skye’s shoulder twice and told her not to fret over it. He said, “You saved over three dozen lives today alone..”

“There are over a hundred employees total at that orchard, princess. Their families would’ve gotten sick from the jars that all the workers were sent home with. You saved them, their families, and anyone else that they would’ve shared with.. We owe you a great debt for your help,” Dr. Martin had a soft smile as he’d spoken.

Surprise crossed Skye’s face as she walked over to her husband. She had no idea so many would’ve been affected. It had felt good to help, giving Skye a sense of peace. Even though she was still so new to her power, she wanted to do everything she could to help.

Tidas wrapped an arm around his wife as she embraced him. He was proud of her, even if he had disliked the idea at first. But that was mainly due to Klaus accompanying her. Ronnie had told the prince that Klaus hadn’t even entered the hospital. It was a small comfort, but it had made Tidas feel a bit better.

Skye was about to ask Tidas what he and Lieutenant Tanner discussed, but missed her chance. The sound of numerous people yelling for the ‘goddess’ had drawn her attention instead. The group headed down the hallway, and out into the general waiting room. The patients Skye had treated, along with their families, were trying to pack their way into the room. Ronnie and Klaus had tried, but they couldn’t keep them all back.

As soon as Skye came into view, they all began to cheer and clap. Two boys that were at the front ran over with fresh picked wild flowers for her. They hesitated a moment when they saw the large hooded man next to her, but decided that showing their gratitude was more important.

Skye accepted the flowers with a heartfelt smile, then tousled each lad’s hair in turn. Many of the townspeople began to step forward with gifts in tow. Some held food, some more flowers, and some even held small livestock. But the main thing she was offered was coin.

It was starting to get out of hand quickly, and the actual patients were being disturbed. Skye held her arms up above her head, and clapped loudly; gaining the unruly crowd’s attention. She cleared her voice and directed everyone out of the hospital so she might make an announcement. As everyone complied, Tidas, Dr. Martin, and Jonathan all followed after her outside in confusion.

Klaus nodded and Ronnie grinned as he held a large wooden box for the princess to stand on. She chuckled at his quick thinking, then thanked him for it. He set the box down before offering Skye his hand to step up. When she grabbed it, a strange feeling rushed to her heart.

It was kind of similar to how Jonathan had felt to her, but not quite the same. The rising volume from the crowd forced her to push it to the back of her mind. She promised herself she’d check him over once everything else was sorted.

Skye took a deep breath before speaking as loudly and clearly as she could: “Thank ye for the gifts! I truly do appreciate yer kindness! But, I didn’t save you to gain anything.. I just wanted to help! So, please! If ye truly wish to thank me! Take any coin ye have to spare; take it and donate it to Dr. Martin and his staff! They badly need supplies, repairs, and most importantly; help! Ye have no need to go broke just for a thank you! Volunteer yer time! This is Your city, Your Home! If ye wish to thank me, then thank the man who saved ye by bringing me here to help! Help HIM!”

The crowd fell into a stunned silence momentarily before erupting. They called her everything from a saint to a goddess. The people cheered, clapped, and some even cried. Dragonhorn was a fairly well-off city, but there’s always a poor sector. The gate they had come through was on the east side. Which was considered the slums. It was the closest gate, and the quickest way to the market.

Tidas would always make it a point to travel through the poorest parts of any city, town, or village he visited. If he wanted to know the true state of the kingdom, the conditions in the slums were the best indicators. Fewer people meant the city was prosperous. The fact that so many needed to turn to the hospital in this area infuriated him. Not to mention their drastic need of supplies and personnel.

The prince knew Dr. Martin to be a good and kind person and physician, but the man barely scraped by because of it. He could scarcely afford the taxes and employee wages since he hardly ever accepted payments from his patients. Depriving them of money to buy food with would just have them back to see him due to malnutrition. He was hardly sleeping due to his stress..

Then, came along Skye. The gifts everyone offered would be put to good use. Even if the princess did accept them, they didn’t have a true use for most of it, or room in the stagecoach for it. By having Dr. Martin accept the gifts, it had killed two birds with one stone.

The doctor couldn’t believe the generosity of the princess. She could’ve easily had everything sold at the market and turned a small profit. Or paid for another coach to haul their things. Giving everything to his practice overwhelmed him, causing tears to pool in his eyes. He’d prayed to the gods for help; had begged them on his knees every night. Now they had answered him..

Dr. Martin fell to his knees as the tears streamed down his cheeks. Skye immediately jumped from the box and rushed to check him. Seeing the panic on her face warmed his heart to bursting as he smiled and said to her: “You truly are Eir in human form, aren’t you princess?”

Skye smiled at the young doctor in her relief. Her magic was beginning to run low, and she was starving. The whiskey helped with the stinging in her stomach, but she could smell food, and it was causing her mind to drift. Her Shaman trait required concentration, and there was almost no way she could focus to that degree now.

Tidas was aware of his wife’s condition, and decided to speed things along. He pulled down his hood, gaining the attention of the crowd once again. Jumping onto the box, the prince announced that they’d be cleaning up and heading to the market. He then asked everyone to spread the word of his requested gift of peace as they shopped.

They all agreed in unison to do so. Some of the people even declared they’d walk around the newlyweds and shoo away anyone who tried to bother them. Tidas thanked everyone before hopping down, and heading over to his wife and the doctor. He’d walked up just as Skye was asking Ronnie and Klaus to join them for a late luncheon.

The prince wasn’t too happy about it, but he decided to let it go. She was in a good mood, and they did keep her safe as she worked. He smiled at the two before adding; “It’s alright, lads. It’ll be my treat for a job well done.”

The two shared a look before agreeing to accompany them. Ronnie was openly excited about eating with his hero, but Klaus still looked uneasy. The couple noticed, but didn’t say anything. He probably still felt awkward about earlier, and they didn’t want to make him uncomfortable by bringing it up again.

After Skye wrote down some book titles, personal suggestions, and a few other things for Dr. Martin; they bid their farewells and left. Ronnie suggested a tavern nearby that he said currently had the best beef stew in town. They all agreed as Tidas and Skye pulled their hoods up again. Walking the few blocks down the street, Skye took in the sights of the slums around her. It was eerily close to the buildings she’d seen when she was eleven.

As they walked along, Skye’s brows furrowed as the memories from that day tried to resurface in her mind. Tidas saw her change in attitude, and squeezed the hand of hers he held. She snapped back to reality, then looked at him with hidden pain in her eyes. He did know what she was thinking about. So all he said was: “Out your head, love.. Your place is here, with me..”

Releasing her hand, Tidas wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and squeezed her against himself. She was about to get snarky with him, but the most pleasant smells began to invade her nose. Her mouth watered as they approached the tavern, and went inside.

It was a small, clean place with booths lining most of the walls. Stools lined a long bar that stretched the entire length of the room on one side. Every piece of furniture was made from wood with a chocolate color. It was decently lit by candle chandeliers and sconces. The walls were a light, mossy green color, and the ceiling and boarders were an off-white. It was a lovely tavern, and surprised the couple when they entered.

As they headed towards the bar; a tall, dark figure came out from the back. He stood at least seven feet tall with short, dark chocolate colored fur that nearly matched the booths and bar. His ears were rounded, and sat on the top-sides of his head. He had a short snout with long, even whiskers. And his long, slender tail was wrapped around his waist like a belt. He was extremely muscular, and had to basically turn sideways to fit through the door he’d just come out of.

Ronnie bounced forward with a broad grin on his face and said; “Good afternoon, General Zas!”

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