
Chapter 403

Connor frozen upon hearing Murdoc’s threat. He never actually got to see the Highlander King’s face before or during the battle with Richard. He was too preoccupied stalking and plotting a way to either kill Klaus, or win Kari from him.

As Murdoc towered over Connor, he shrunk back, and minded his tone; “I just don’t understand how I can be held accountable for something I have no memory of..”

Tidas spoke up; “Because everyone witnessed you make the deal, and we all saw you try to shoot Klaus. That could’ve killed him, therefore violated the rules of the duel.”

Connor huffed arrogantly as he got up and straightened himself; “First off: the gun only violates the rules If it would’ve killed him, which I argue that it wouldn’t have. Princess Skye intervened, so we’ll never know the True answer to that..”

“And as to witnessing me agree to the deal: I don’t recall it, so I’m not so sure that it happened.”

Ralph and Arthur stepped forward with open scowls as Ralph’s voice turned threatening; “What are ya inferrin’, laddie?”

Arthur placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder; “Now, now Ralphy.. I’m sure that he meant nothin’ by it.”

Connor shrugged, which triggered Ralph. He tried to walk over and punch him, but Arthur and Wallace wouldn’t let him. Skye watched a small smirk crawl across Connor’s face, then disappear. He hadn’t realized his slip, but it would come to be one of his biggest regrets...


Skye went and stood at her husband’s side, then bumped his arm lightly. When he glanced at her and caught a wink, Tidas knew that she was up to something. Since she had tilted her head so Connor couldn’t see the gesture, he understood that whatever she was going to do involved, or targeted the bastard.

After taking a cleansing breath, Skye went and stood just a couple of feet away from Connor. He and the rest of the Arnold family had been basically terrorizing Kari and her kin, trying to convince her to marry him.. ‘This is the perfect opportunity ta force him ta back off..’

As Skye smiled sweetly at him, Connor grinned like a bampot back until she said; “So do ye care about Kari’s feelings in this at all? Or is it just all about you?”

Hearing such venom from such a beautiful face threw Connor off, sending him sputtering. Before he could retort, Skye dropped her grin..

“This whole time ye say that ye care about Kari.. What’s her favorite color?”

“...What?” Connor replied, nearly speechless.

“Too hard fer ya? Seems ta be.. Well, we’ll try another. Her favorite flower, then? Or song? Or food? Honestly, any answer that shows that ye care about Her, and not just her magic fer yer family’s construction business would do at this point..”

Connor’s mouth gaped as he stared at the princess.. ‘This dumb Bitch! H-How?! How could she just blurt it all out fluke that?!’

“T-That’s not true! And that’s defamation of my family! How dare you-?!”

Skye got right into Connor’s face, making him stumble backwards and fall. As he looked up at her with daggers in his eyes, Skye smirked similarly to how he had earlier; “You could prove me wrong right here just by tellin’ me somethin’ about her. Wouldna be a problem fer a man in love ta at least name somethin’ she cares for.”

Connor could feel his anger boiling as Celestia wrapped up the Spear a little bit away from the crowds of humans. She didn’t want him getting desperate, and make the same mistake twice by going after the Spear again. As Aero helped her with the cloth, Celestia could’ve sworn that she still felt active Dark magic within him..

“Maybe that’s why he can’t remember,” the Fae Queen muttered, thinking out loud.

“What dear?” Aero asked as he handed her a corner flap.

Celestia shook her head; “Later, love. Skye and Tidas should hear it, too.”

Aero was going to press her, but Skye went on the verbal attack again..

“So all Ima hearin’ is a lot of bitchin’ about Kari rejectin’ ya, and me and Tidas payin’ fer Klaus’ bride price: correct? I’ve yet ta hear ya say that Kari objects ta any of this..”

Connor went off about the true events after Skye had exposed his true intentions. Tidas was hard-pressed not to laugh at the flabbergasted face he had made when the other soldiers started comparing his actions to those of slavers. Since he had literally tried to buy Kari from her family, they all saw him as the same type of person: scum.

Looking over at the woman in question, Skye asked Kari to tell everyone her opinion..

Stepping forward nervously, Kari spoke as loudly as she could; “I Never wanted to marry Connor! I’ve never even liked him as a person! I Love Klaus! He’s the only man fer me!”

Kari was too afraid to look back at him, so Klaus stepped in front of her; “I love you, too, Kari. I would be honored if you would marry me. But only if you choose me. Do you?”

“...Aye!” Kari squeaked out as her emotions got the better of her.

Connor’s eyes narrowed on Klaus’ backside. Murderous intent rolled off of him as he turned and glared at Skye and Tidas..

“This is not a military matter, so your decisions mean nothing. And it’s up to the head of her family to make a final decision, not you two. Unless you claim to hold equal power to the King and Prince Marco.”

Skye scoffed; “Apparently, yer not familiar with Alcon’s Code of Conduct and Ethics. Chapter four, section four, paragraph three: ‘the Field Commander holds all authority in both military, and civil disputes, grievances, and cases from departure to arrival’. That means until we get back ta Alcon, Tidas Does hold the same authority. Albeit, temporary.”

Skye took one intimidating step towards Connor as she added; “And these two could get hitched right here and now, and Kari’s family would approve.”

“Well,” Tidas interjected as he folded his arms; “They may be angry that they missed the party..”

Skye nodded with a smile; “Aye, that be true. They did seem the type ta like a good shindig.”

Connor’s temper was at it’s boiling point. He had never been denied something he wanted in his entire life, thanks to his rank and parent’s wealth. His future lifestyle depended upon him getting Kari to marry him..

“I could marry ya two now if ya want. Ima king that Magnus recognizes as an equal, so he’ll accept me authority of a weddin’.”

Connor felt panic bubbling up within him.. ‘If I lose Kari, then Prince Marco will-!!’

“P-Prince Marco approved my match to Kari before we left! So she has to obey! Or it violates royal decree!”

Tidas grabbed Connor and yanked him to his feet; “Why does my brother care whether or not you marry Kari?”

Technically Connor wasn’t supposed to expose his relationship to the Crowned Prince, but felt that he had no choice.. ‘If the Highlander King marries them, I’m fucked! But will Prince Marco back me when we get back to Alcon?’

As the thought crossed his mind, Tidas lost his patience; “Well?! Why does my brother-”

“Because he’s an investor in my parent’s business! But it doesn’t matter because He is the Crowned Prince! Not You! He is the next King! Not you! You can’t do anything to stop this!”

Right as Connor started to rant, Murdoc grabbed a random pot from the closest tent, walked up to him, and hit him with it. As he fell unconscious, Murdoc said; “King trumps Prince, ya bawbag..”

Everyone stared in shock for a moment before Skye started to laugh hysterically. The face Connor had made, then Murdoc’s line after was too much after such a tense situation. As she felt the stress fading, her laugh became contagious. Moments later, over half of the spectators were chuckling for one reason or another.

Tidas ordered Connor’s tied up, and locked down until they reached Alcon. Murdoc offered again to marry Klaus and Kari then, but neither wanted to cause issues between the two sets of royals before they had even met. As Connor was literally dragged off, Celestia and Aero brought the Spear over to Skye..

As she took ahold of it, Celestia asked; “What would you have done if I hadn’t shown up?”

Skye smiled sheepishly; “Well, ya see there’s been a wee bit of development..”

As Skye explained about her necklace, Klaus and Kari snuck off to talk about what had happened..


Klaus’ emotions were chaotic as he and Kari ventured off to find a private place to talk. They wound up circling halfway around the castle until they found the gap of land between Skye’s courtyard and the loch. As Kari stopped to lean against the gate, Klaus surprised her with a bear hug.

In all honesty: Klaus was internally freaking out over the last thing that Connor had said.. ‘Why would the Crowned Prince care about Kari?! Investor or not, it would hurt his reputation more if people found out that he was trying to force someone into being sold. Not as many would care because Kari is a woman, but enough to give the king a headache..’

The kingdom as a whole was fed up with slavery and human trafficking. Most that were caught now weren’t even given any kind of trial: they just went straight to the dungeons. Those caught trying to take children received instant solitary for a month to start, then were sent to do hard labor.

It was the only time that Tidas had insisted on a harsh punishment. To him, child abuse was the worst offense, and offenders didn’t deserve any leniency. If he had his way: Tidas would kill any child abusers that he came across..

‘But I can’t just kill Connor.. What do I do?’

As the thought crossed Tidas’ mind, a Tamer mage stepped forward; “Why don’t you just have the king decide what to do with him after we get home? Prince Marco could possibly collaborate his story as well..”

Tidas nodded; “Aye, that’s a good idea. It’ll give me a chance to ask about a few other things as well..”

As the Tamer nodded and went back to his spot in the crowd, he smiled to himself.. ‘I wonder if Marco will cover for that fool Connor.. Better send him an extra message later warning him..’

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