
Chapter 330 Meeting Kira's Group

After using the gemstone, the real landscape of the area was revealed, creating a path for them to pass through. Marceline immediately pulled Dylan as they passed through the broken barrier. It would only last for several seconds so they had to get in without being noticed by the vampires.

"Sis, can you sense them?" Dylan asked her. They were both using their super sense of smell and hearing to find out if there were enemies nearby.

"A group of vampires roaming around the vicinity. Werewolf fighters are gathered in the southern part." Marceline informed her twin brother.

Dylan could only bob his head. He tried to smell Serena\'s scent. They had to find the location where their mother was being held captive.

"We need to be careful. Cedric and his pack formed an alliance with the vampires!" Dylan warned his sister once more. They started to move, avoiding the guards. Several vampires and werewolves were guarding the vicinity.

Fortunately, the White Witch gave them the magic perfume that would conceal their scents from the other creatures.

"Sis, I think we need to drink this concealing potion. We will become invisible to their eyes!" Dylan suggested, showing the magic potion to her.

Marceline accepted the potion. They needed to avoid face-to-face encounters with their enemies. Their priority was to save and rescue their mother.

Dylan and Marceline drank the concealing potion, making them invisible. They could now freely walk without worrying about their enemies.

"Let\'s find our mother..." Marceline broadened her sense of smell, searching for Serena\'s location. It did not take long before she finally smelled her mother\'s scent.

Dylan followed Marceline. They saw the ruined buildings. Several entrances could be seen in the front. Vampires were standing on guard at each entrance.

Marceline and Dylan made sure to pass through the entrance without being noticed by the vampires.

Behind the ruins, there was a cave where Serena was being held captive. She was badly beaten up by the vampires. They tortured her and her body was covered by cuts, bruises, and wounds. Her feet and arms were tied by silver metal. Her flesh also had burnt marks.

Before Marceline and Dylan arrived at Serena\'s location, a different group already found her. The group was composed of Kira, Gisel, and Serafino.

The guards who were watching over Serena were already knocked down on the ground. Gisel gasped upon seeing the current state of Serena.

"They tortured her..." Gisel\'s heart was filled with hatred. She had the urge to transform into her wolf form and attacked whoever did this to Serena. But before she could go on a rampage, Serafino already stopped her by holding her shoulders.

"Stop. Don\'t do something reckless. We are in the territory of the enemies. We are surrounded here. We must avoid fighting them to prevent a bloodbath." Serafino reminded her.

Meanwhile, Kira had mixed emotions upon seeing Serena\'s sorry state. She was still the woman he first loved before so he couldn\'t bear to see her like this.

Without a second thought, Kira just found himself walking toward her. Using his sharp nails, he destroyed the chains that were binding Serena. She was still unconscious.

Kira scooped her in his arms in a princess carryâ€"one arm under her legs and the other supporting her back. There was a hint of anger in his eyes as he scanned her wounded body.

"We should leave now... my Lord," Serafino mumbled. His voice snapped Kira back to the present.

Kira bobbed his head. They were on their way out of the cave when Kira felt Serena move in his arms. When he looked down, Serena was already staring at him. She was now awake.

"Kira..." Serena mumbled in her weak voice. Her hand reached out to touch his face. Because of that, Kira halted on his steps.

"You came... to save me," Serena spoke again, sinking further into his arms. She snaked her arms around his body, embracing him as she buried her face in his chest.

"Ki... I miss you... I still love you..." Serena confessed to him.

Serafino and Gisel were both stupefied when they heard that. They didn\'t expect that Serena would suddenly blurt out those words.

"I think we should go ahead and be on the lookout!" Gisel suggested, pulling Serafino with her as they went out of the cave first. She wanted to give Kira and Serena some privacy.

On the other hand, Kira didn\'t know what to feel or say. Serena\'s confession caught him off guard. He gazed at him and he could still see Selene... the woman he first loved. However, the feelings were now unfamiliar to him.

"Selene..." Kira mumbled.

Serena gazed up and gave him a faint smile. She held his head, pulling her face closer as if she wanted them to kiss.

They were in that kind of position when Marceline and Dylan entered the cave via the alternate route. Marceline froze in her spot the moment she saw Kira and her mother almost kissing each other.

She felt her heart clenching inside her chest. She didn\'t know whether she should intervene or just look away.

\'Kira and my mother... are they still in love with each other?\' Marceline closed her fingers into a tight fist. She slammed her eyes shut while gritting her teeth. She felt like her world was collapsing in front of her.

However, before her heart would be shattered into pieces, Dylan went to her rescue. He was the one who stepped up, interrupting Kira and Serena from kissing each other.

"Mother!" Dylan yelled, calling Kira\'s attention. He wanted Kira to stop because he knew that his twin sister would get hurt when she saw them kissing.

Both Kira and Serena turned in the direction of that voice. However, they didn\'t see Dylan and Marceline because of the concealing potion they drank a while ago.

"Dylan? Are you here?" Serena asked her son.

"Yes, Mother. My sister and I!"

Kira\'s eyes widened when Dylan mentioned Marceline. \'Did she see us?\'

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