
Chapter 154: Sovereignty (part 1)

Chapter 154: Sovereignty (part 1)

It was fall, but the temperature was hotter than summer. The trees should be dead around a boiling lake, but its leaves were flourishing.

On the center of the lake, there was a small, charred island populated by Nether Flame Pegasi in the middle of the boiling lake.

With a body as black as coal and blue flame covered black feathered wings, the Nether Flame Pegasus was a beautiful creature.

Even its mane, feathering, and tail were also made of blue flames. The bigger the fire, the stronger a Nether Flame Pegasus.

Colt looked at the Nether Flame Pegasus bathing on the boiling river. Colt observed each of them, and he then noticed one particular Nether Flame Pegasus.

Its mane made of flames was twice as big as the others; those very flames were white in its color. Its body and feather were also not an ordinary black, but something far more striking. It was as if this beast was speeding through the night, nothing but its flames would be seen.

It was emanating a dangerous aura, “Infernal Umbra Pegasus…that’s not what we’re getting.”

Colt already decided what to do if he encounters something dangerous…avoid it.

“I thought you’re going to get her the best gift?”

Risa asked with a smirk.

“She’ll appreciate an alive father rather than a dead one. Everyone get to the position, Drako, you’re going to start as we planned…”


“Don’t try to argue, Risa. I brought you here because you won’t let Drako come with us otherwise, but my mind will not change; you’re going to hide.”


“If you were Rank-7, I would think about it, but you’re not, so try not to argue, Risa. Just watch from afar and learn.”

Risa was but 16 years of age and wanted to get into the action. However, with Colt forbidding her, she pouted before going up a tree to watch.

Colt looked at her disappearing figure and could only sigh, ‘How did someone like her become so energetic? I liked her more when she only wanted a pillow.’

Risa had definitely changed. Colt didn’t mind it as she was getting stronger faster than he imagined, but it was still becoming a hassle. The others move while Colt began thinking,

‘I need someone to crush her spirit…Arte.’

While connecting a somewhat devious plan, Colt noticed that a Nether Flame Pegasus trotted to the boiling lake. This particular Nether Flame Horse came to bath and enjoy.

Colt, however, had no plan of letting such a thing be actualized. As soon as its wings got submerged in water, Colt quickly asked for assistance.


A shadow flew up as Drako roared, shocking every being at a hundred-meter radius. The Nether Flame Pegasi and even the Infernal Umbra Pegasus was stunned.

The previous King showed itself after months of hiding. Their faces turned pale, and immediately decided to make the most rational of decision, escape. With the Pegasus’ strength, they dominated the Second Ring; however, Drako used to dominate everything.

Challenging it was nothing but a pipe dream.

Controlling its Draconic Heart, Drako gathered its flames and…


White flames with incinerating effects came out of its gaping maw. Every Nether Flame Pegasus, including their King, the Infernal Umbra Pegasus, escaped with haste.

The white fire spread and the Pegasi did their best to avoid touching it. It would be hell if they got inflicted by the Incineration.

However, one Pegasus was left. The one chose to keep its beauty was left out. It closed its eyes, expecting to be devoured by the white flames.

Just as the white flames were indeed about to do so, it disappeared, and what replaced it was a shield-wielding woman. Mary came down like a meteor.

Her white shield glowed a golden light; her Earth Element increased her defense exponentially.

The Nether Flame Horse failed to react and then…


Mary bashed its head, having it completely submerged in the boiling water. Mary reached the bottom of the lake. The lake was hot as expected, but the glowing red pendant Colt prepared protected her.

The Nether Flame Pegasus thought that was the end when two cats appeared. Earth General called upon the stones of the lake and constructed four pillars that pinned down the beast.

As for Fire General, it got to the Pegasus’ eyes and exploded into a blaze, blinding it momentarily. Pain overtook the senses of the Pegasus; it found breathing difficult underwater.

As Mary held her breath, she mounted the pinned Pegasus and increased her shield’s weight ten times its original. The Pegasus neighed in pain from all the beating it was taking.

It was drowning, and its strength was disappearing. However, it would not let this end like this. The Nether Flame Pegasus was, after all prideful, thus, being treated by weaker beings like such infuriated it.

Activating its blue flames, a mighty blaze erupted that overwhelmed even the Fire General.

It moved around as it tried bashing around the stone pillars. It did not like being contained; its pride didn’t let it be held!


The Pegasus neighed, and the flames began burning brighter and hotter. The pillars were getting destroyed.

However, Mary held on, increased the weight of her shield some more to pin it down, “You’re not going to go anywhere!” she roared in a muffled underwater voice.

All the while this was happening, Colt was just about preparing himself.

Fluff and the Chick rode Colt’s shoulder, and the three of them slowly walked out of the remaining bushes. Colt’s aura melded with the other two, and a suppressing aura came out of the trio.

Colt heard the Pegasi struggle and decided that it was time to move. The white line appeared on his head; every hesitation disappeared.


He disappeared from the ground and made use of what he was taught, and strode across the water. Though it was not as elegant as it should be, Colt was walking on water.

With two cute beings on his shoulders, he jumped high up and drew out one of the two swords strapped to his waist. He decided to use a training sword as he didn’t want to kill the Pegasus.

Drako flew down and acted as Colt’s foothold. And as Drako prepared caught Colt and threw him down. Colt was now like a bolting spear.

He prepared his sword and planned on knocking out the beast. He was a Rank-7 Warrior; he had no means of knocking it out without making a decisive slash, then fatally injuring it by accident.

This was the only method he had, generating enough force and bonking it in the head really hard before suppressing. It would survive…it was a Hazard class Magical Beast.

Colt was just about to touch the water when, all of a sudden, Colt caught sight of a blazing being to his left—it was the Infernal Umbra Pegasus coming to save its subject.

“What’s it doing here!? Dammit! Drako, intercept!”

Drako moved, but it was too late and already passed by it. The Infernal Umbra Pegasus suddenly burst into much brighter flames. It would have been less worrying if it just dove straight down; however, it planned on ramming Colt.

“You dare try and capture, one of my subjects, human!?”

“Not good! Suppress it!” Colt shouted and the two on his shoulders moved in to try and muddle them the mind of the Infernal Umbra Pegasus.

“What’s happening!?” The Umbra Pegasus suddenly slowed down a bit as it felt the suppression it received from the two animals on Colt’s shoulders.

However, it didn’t stop and still managed to hit Colt on his cross-armed guard…Colt’s left arm broke while his right with the Dragon Pearl held on.

“Dammit!” Colt cursed, but he didn’t stop talking as he roared, “DRAKO, FIRE!”

The Umbra Pegasus looked above and saw Drako’s mouth, gathering flames. It thought it would not try such a thing as the human was there, but how wrong it was.

Splash! Colt hit the water then…

Boom! White flames engulfed the water’s surfaced. The Umbra Pegasus was hurt, and it dove directly to the waters avoiding much of the fire.

It was quite resistant to flames, but it feared Dragon Flames. It was too strong. It was in pain; however, it didn’t stop and simply dove deeper down!

It saw its subject being pinned and became so angry that its fire also turned from white to black, “Bastards!”

Colt saw this and immediately felt his body moving. He threw the training sword towards Mary and the others to signal them to get away.

Mary saw the raging Umbra Pegasus and quickly got out of the way. Earth General and Fire General also moved away.


The Umbra Pegasus destroyed the pillars, and the Nether Flame Pegasus managed to escape.

“RUN! ESCAPE FROM THIS PLACE!” The Umbra Pegasus cried out!

Without anyone stopping it, the Nether Flame Pegasus flew up, passing Mary and the cats. It felt relieved after inhaling the air. It was not so happy, as it caught sight of the Dragon.

It thought that it would be stopped. However, the Dragon was in a weird daze. It was looking towards the heart of the forest as if it had seen something wrong!

The Nether Flame Pegasus paid it no heed and simply went and escaped.

Colt and the rest, including the Umbra Pegasus, already emerged from the boiling lake. The Umbra Pegasus aimed to kill Mary and the cats before leaving, Colt appeared from behind, wielding the Ocean’s Black Heart.

He swung his sword, starling the beast.

“Everyone, run! I’ll handle this!” Colt said as he knew he fucked up. He didn’t think the Umbra Pegasus would actually return; however, that didn’t matter; after all, it had always been in the plan to find something that would test his ability to the limit.

‘You better be right about this, Fluff.’

Colt drew out power from his right hand. He remembered the Chick’s words last night…

‘Danger can draw out your potential more quickly. Why not try and go to the Magical Beast Forest? If you fail to control your strength, it might endanger the children. We’ll protect you, don’t worry, it’ll be fun, and it’ll even help you gain experience…’ When the Chick said this, it just thought it would be fun to find the current state of the Monsters in the Magical Beast Forest.

Colt agreed as he too thought that it might endanger the children. He chose his opponent to be Hylda’s gift to know what he would hunt; however, it appears that Colt had bitten more than he could chew.

‘I am so going to roast that chick.’ Colt was prepared to fight the Umbra Pegasus until he could slay it when, all of a sudden, Drako roared loudly.

Colt and the Umbra Pegasus’ attention was taken, not by the roar alone but because of the rumbling grounds…

He and the Umbra Pegasus exchanged gazes and decided to stop. The Umbra Pegasus’ anger meant nothing before its survival instinct. It soared up to escape.

“Drako! We’re leaving! Everyone move it! There’s something huge coming!” Colt was cursing everything now.

Mary and the cats were already on the other side of the shore, and Colt was halfway through the lake when he noticed Drako, not moving an inch…as if it was waiting.

“Drako! What are you doing!?” Colt didn’t care if Drako was a Dragon. It was far dangerous in letting it fight. After all, they all might get caught up in it.

However, Drako shook its head, “I apologize, honorable Dragon King, but I cannot leave…I agreed to come here to face this very opponent.”

“Huh!?” Colt didn’t know what it was talking about. However, Colt’s pupils dilated while something came crashing on the trees near Mary.

It was the escaping Umbra Horse.

However, that was not what caught Colt’s attention. With his mouth open, he was forced to raise his head and witness a colossus of a being.

A beast around 30 meters in size appeared with a Lion’s head, a Goat’s horn, and a Gorilla’s body armored with black carapaces.

Two, three-meter tusks protruded from its giant maw, and inside its mouth was the carcass of the Nether Flame Pegasus.

The Gargantusk…the King of the Magical Beast Forest was before him.


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