
Chapter 62 - Who Will Be Coming?

Lena was slightly annoyed by the time that she had gotten back to her work office. She was hoping that there would be no more interruptions to prevent her and Samuel from going over everything else that they still needed to talk about.

"Sorry, my father wanted to ask something about the schedule and see about coming with us when we got the rings refitted." Lena apologized as she stepped back into office.

"That\'s fine. I know it\'s kind of a busy time right now. Will he be joining us for any of the parts we will be getting together for the engagement?" Samuel asked as he looked up from his phone. He was almost finally done with putting everything in.

"He says he can\'t say for sure. He\'s busy this week a lot as well but said if he has the times he would like to be a bigger part of it." Lena replied as she came over to sit back down at her desk.

"I\'m guessing that you have never been measured to wear a proper suit before?" Lena asked. She presumed the answer would be no, but wanted to make sure just incase he had as it would save time.

"Nope. I have worn a suit before, but it was one of my father\'s older ones and it was a bit too big since I\'m not the same size as him." Samuel replied.

"We\'ll have to take some time to do that one the day we go look for a suit and dress. It\'ll only take a little of extra time though." The princess wrote this down as she talked.

"Off the topic of this. I thought that you wanted me to work on increase the accuracy of my aim so that I would be better with a gun. You also want me to learn self-dense as well?" Samuel clarified. This wasn\'t something that Lena had talked with him about before so he was curious what brought about this sudden change.

"Correct, among other things. I do eventually expect you to be good with a gun as well because a gun has a better protective ability than having physical fighting skills, but since it\'ll take time, it\'s better to work on both at the same time." Lena explained.

"I decided to make the change since it seems that you, Sammy-boy have a good accuracy when it comes to throwing and rather strong aim I noticed when we were playing ball at your birthday party."

"I didn\'t think that my aim was anything special though?" Certainly he had better aim throwing than he did with a gun, but he never thought much about it.

"It may not be, but in physical defense and fighting, it\'s beneficial to have a good arm strength because it can increase your ability to defend yourself. Don\'t worry too much about it though, I\'ll mostly be in charge of that since I know what I have in mind." Lena smirked after she said the last part causing Samuel to frown.

"I\'m not sure that actually makes me feel all that much better if learning to physical fight and defend myself goes the same way learning how to dance with you goes, I may not survive very well."

"Of course you will little chickadee, it\'s quite easy actually. You just have to be good at learning quickly and keep up. The better you do, the easier it will be on you. Besides, we\'re officially engaged now which means I don\'t have any intention of attempting to accidentally kill you before we go through with the whole engagement process."

"Oh how much better that makes me feel." She didn\'t miss the sarcasm in his voice when he replied with way and cuffed him on his ear.

"I\'m serious about this. It\'s not going to be all sunshine and roses once we get past the engagement and are officially married. Things will change and you\'ll be thankful later on that I didn\'t take it easy on you when you consider everything that we will be dealing with." Samuel wasn\'t convinced about this, but he didn\'t argue with her about what she was saying since he was still unware of what he was going to be finding out once they were married.

"What about guests and such? Are there going to be a lot guests there that I\'m not that familiar with? I feel like this is going to be different from a normal engagement party." The little queen looked at him thoughtfully as she considered the best way to answer the question that he was asking.

"I\'m not sure that I would say it\'ll be much different from a typical engagement party. There will be a lot of people there outside of my family, you could call them allies. Mostly people my father know who shares the areas we have control over. There are four main groups in total, though I\'m not sure myself who will be invited. Of course, your parents will be invited if they wish to come." Lena explained. Some of these questions she honestly didn\'t have a good answer for as it would be up to her father to decide these things.

Lena would\'ve preferred to keep it to a smaller, more private matter, but she knew how these type of things tended to work and that inviting a certain number of people was unavoidable because of matters of respect and so forth.

"Is there anything particular that I should be aware of or have to worry about with that in mind?" Samuel then asked. It was starting to feel that this engagement party was going to be a much larger affair than he had expected.

"Not really. Because my family out of everyone who will be in attendance is the most respected and has the highest amount of power, you won\'t have to worry about stiff formality or watching your behavior. You may be someone from the outside, but because of the respect for our family, you won\'t have to worry about anyone speaking out against you." the way the princess spoke of power and respect made him think that it meant something more than it usually did in the business world.

"I am going to have to talk with my family about this and make sure that they\'d feel comfortable attending under such circumstances. Since it\'s going to be more than just family, they might not want to take such a risk."

"That\'s fine, considering the circumstances, my father and the rest of the family would understand if they didn\'t want to attend. The only time it is generally viewed as a sign of disrespect is if it\'s within a engagement that is taking place between two parties in this world as there are little excuses for both families to be present at engagement parties and such." Lena explained.

"For tonight, I think this will have to all since it\'s getting so late and tomorrow we need to be up early so that you can come to work with me."

"There\'s still some questions that I want to ask though, I feel like there\'s a lot more to this than I originally expected there to be and I want to make sure that I am prepared."

"Sammy-boy, let it be for tonight. You\'ll just have more questions anyways. We can take more time to discuss tomorrow around everything else." She told as she got up from the desk letting him know that there was no room to argue about this even though he didn\'t feel tired and doubted that he would be able to sleep well with so much going through his mind now.

"What about sleeping arrangements?" He asked as he stood up from his chair. He placed the schedule back on her desk since he was done putting everything in his phone.

"That\'s going to change most likely after the engagement party. We\'ll most likely be sharing the same room but we\'ll have different beds." Lena replied as she moved around some of the documents on her desk to make it a little tidier as well as make sure that the ones she would need to take with her tomorrow were on the top so that she wouldn\'t forget about them in the morning.

"Now, enough questions and shoo, it\'s time to sleep and I want to be done for the night anyways before anyone else decides that there\'s something that they need to bother me about." The princess told him as she held open the office door so that Samuel could leave ahead of her.

He gave her a look in response to her gesture that made her glare at him in a silent warning that if he said anything, she wouldn\'t be inclined to do it again in the future. So he instead held his tongue and walked out ahead of her. Lena made sure to close the door and lock it behind her before putting the key back in her pocket.

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