
Chapter 63 - Take Your Fiancé To Work Day

The following morning. Lena had made sure that Samuel was up early. She needed to be into work early to finish some paperwork that she was behind on and because he was coming with her today, that meant he had to be ready to go early as well.

Instead of the normal casual clothes that he had been wearing, the the princess had found him something that she thought would be fitting for his first appearance at the business. It was a black dress shirt with a crimson red tie and black slacks with matching black dress shoes. It had belonged to Leo so it was a touch of a lose fit, he managed to fix that by rolling up the sleeves once and adjusting the way the pants fit on him so that he looked more professional and less messy.

She didn\'t make them skip breakfast though and opted for a quick meal of toast with marmalade and had Ryan pack lunch for them since they would most likely be spending most of the day the office.

Since Clive was still in the hospital with his wife, Jeff was the one who would be driving them to work that morning. He was already outside waiting by the car, most likely at Lena\'s orders. She didn\'t have to say anything to him however before he opened the car door for them and offered a slight bow.

"I need to be at work in thirty, Jeff. If you end up getting lost again today, I will be docking your pay for additional time it takes to get to work." Lena warned as she crossed her legs and leaned back in the seat. Even she had dressed up in a more formal outfit from usual Samuel noted. Jeff offered a small laugh at her comment.

"It\'s always a pleasure to work with you princess, you offer the best type of incentives to keep focused on task." He told her as he started the car and began to back out so that he could turn around before heading out the driveway.

"You\'re not actually serious about that though, are you?" Samuel asked, feeling that if she was, it would\'ve been a rather unfair thing for her to do.

"It depends on if he gets us there on time or how late he if not." Lena replied without looking at him. It wasn\'t the first time that someone had their pay docked while working with the family for providing less than perfect quality services. Of course, it wasn\'t a permanent docking of pay, just for the one issue or circumstance that was troublesome. The only time it ever became permanent was in the case of a continual problems.

In the case of Jeff, Lena was mostly joking, but knew it was provided incentive as he had a inconsistent history of being problematic on more important tasks because he easily got distracted and lose his focus unless he had someone to manage him correctly which was why in most cases he was paired up with someone who could usually help manage him.

"If you wanted to get there faster, wouldn\'t have been easier to take your motorcycle instead?" Samuel questioned about half way through the drive.

"Of course it would be, but the motorcycle is more for casual outing or other such things. In the professional and legal field of work, impression matters and that means that I cannot just pull up to work in a motorcycle as the new CEO, it would look unprofessional." She replied.

"Oh, so it\'s an image management thing." He noted as she nodded her head.

"Exactly. Until everything is more established, everything has to be done from a point of professionalism bordering on perfectionism." She explained.

"And that\'s why she can\'t have me being late in delivering her to work in order to maintain her professional image." Jeff added in.

"Also why it\'s important for you to be dressing professionally as well for your first time here. Not everyone here knows that you\'re my fiancé yet, but even if they do, they are just going to judge you on whether or not they think that you fit in." Lena said as she glanced over at Samuel was fidgeting with this sleeves to make sure that they looked more neat.

"We\'ll get you some proper clothes later and some cufflinks that will suit your clothes, for now this had to do though."

"Should I be expecting to dress more like this outside of work spaces as well?" he asked as he finally finished fixing his sleeves to a level he felt came off as more professional.

"Probably, but not yet for a while. We\'ll worry about that after the engagement party." Lena replied just as Jeff pulled into the private parking lot.

"Here you are princess, delivered safely and five minutes under the time you requested. When should I be back to pick you up today?" Jeff asked as he parked and turned to face the other two.

"I will page you later to let you know when you should leave to be here by because I\'m not sure how long we will be today."  She replied as she unbuckled her seat to get ready and step out. Samuel did the same followed suit.

"Right then. Good day to you both and I will be back later." Jeff gave a small salute and waited until he was certain that both of them were out of the way before he began to pull out as they walked towards the inside.

"Remember to just follow me and not talk with anyone unless I indicate to. Being the fiancé to the CEO means you\'re not required to answer or speak with anyone." Lena told Samuel as they entered the building.

"Isn\'t that being a touch rude though?" Samuel asked as he tried his best to keep up with Lena as she walked through the building. The walls on this side were a pale blue and looked as though they had recently been painted.

"Of course it isn\'t, at least not right now. Some of these people here like gossip and the wrong thing could get out before everyone understands who you are." She replied. She nodded her head as a man in a suit walked past them. He took a second longer to glance at the princess after returning the gesture when he realized that there was someone with her.

"Everything is about politics. And while it may be the day for me to bring my fiancé to work, not everyone knows that\'s who you are yet and only a select few will know right now." The princess explained as she pressed the up arrow on the elevator whose doors opened right away for her and she ushered Samuel in ahead of her.

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